Custom User Attributes

Custom User Attributes

This article describes how Custom User Attributes can be defined and used in Luma.


In addition to the standard user profile fields provided by the system, users may require a few additional user-specific fields. In Luma, a Tenant Administrator can define a list of Custom User Attributes that can hold user information specific to your organization like Location, AD IDs, Designation, etc. These values can be used for user authorization, user data sync or can be referred to while building skill in branching or as information to be passed through Integrations outbound payload.

Luma allows a maximum of 15 Custom User Attributes for a tenant.

Value for a Custom User Attribute can be populated through Bulk data upload or data sync through APIs. Alternatively, these can also be set during session initialization through a configured chat channel or a skill just like any other conversation parameter. The scope of these attributes is global, i.e., the value is retained unless overwritten.

Like Local and Global attributes in Luma, these attributes can also be used in Skills and Operations. These can be referred to as @{user.<custom attribute identifier>}

To view the list of Custom User Attributes defined for your Tenant, Navigate to the Tenant → User Management → Custom User Attributes tab. As an Administrator, you can create a maximum of 15 attributes for your Tenant.

Create a Custom User Attribute

Follow the below steps to create a Custom User attribute for your Tenant:

  1. On the Custom User Attribute tab, click on Create Custom User Attribute.

  2. On the details screen, add attribute Name.

  3. The identifier will be auto-generated by the system based on the name. You may edit the identifier if required.

  4. Select the Data type based on the type of value the attribute will hold.

  5. Once all the mandatory details are filled in, click on Create to create the attribute.

  • A maximum of 10 attributes can be defined for a Tenant.

  • Each Custom User attribute should be unique.

  • Once created, the attribute Identifier and Data Type cannot be updated.

  • Use copy button (next to the identifier section) to copy the attribute syntax ({user.<attributeidentifier>}). The context variable can refer to the custom attribute in Integrations, Rulesets, Set Attributes or Information Messages.

Search and View a Custom User Attribute

Custom User Attribute List can be filtered using the Attribute Name or Identifier. Follow the below steps to search for an attribute in the list:

  1. On the Custom User Attribute List, type the text in Search field and press Enter.

  2. The list is now filtered as per the search criteria.

  3. Select the required attribute to view the details.

Edit Custom User Attribute

To edit an existing Custom User attribute, do the following:

  1. On the Custom User Attribute List, select the required attribute.

  2. On the details screen, click on Edit.

  3. Only the Attribute Name field is now editable. Update the field as required.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

Using a Custom User Attribute

Custom User Attributes defined for your tenant can be used throughout Luma to display user-specific information. When used in a Skill or Operations as outbound payload, these can be referred to as @{user.<custom attribute identifier>}.

For example:

Using Custom User Attribute in Information Message in a Skill:

Using Custom User Attribute in Operation:


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