Knowing about Luma Bot Builder

Knowing about Luma Bot Builder

Bot Builder is the interface for Administrators, Skill Developers to design conversations with users that answer questions, automate services, or create actionable tickets for the Support team.

The Bot builder is categorized into three main sections:


A Bot is a Virtual Agent, it's your own instance of Luma VA. Your bot can converse with end-users, support analysts, and managers to help improve the support experience.

From the Bots menu, you can

  • Build conversations (Create skills)

  • Publish skills to make available for use

  • Train the Bot on Unmatched phrases

  • Monitor Organizational Key Performance Metrics in terms of Money, Time saved, License consumption, User engagement.

  • Diagnose the User Conversations to identify the root cause of any errors.

  • Configure Bot specific settings.

  • Set up channels to communicate with the Bot such as MS Teams, Whatsapp, Slack, Web widget

  • Export and Import Skills, Configurations, and other entities from one Bot and to another.



Tenant represents your Organization, Customer for whom Luma VA is deployed.

Using the Tenant Menu, you can

  • Set up the integration between Luma VA and other third-party applications.

  • Automate tasks that can be executed without Support Analyst involvement.

  • Create and manage the Users, Roles, and permissions.

  • Manage Support groups.

  • Manage Subscription information.

  • Trigger Notifications and Follow-Ups.

  • Create Support Agents Actions

  • Set up various Tenant level settings.


Support Agent

This section allows the Live Support Agents to converse with End-users to resolve the queries that can not be handled by Luma VA.

Under the Support Agent menu, you can

  • Access Agent Chat Console interface that allows Support Agents to manage and respond to user requests.

  • Monitor the performance of Support Agents and Support Groups. 

  • Execute predefined actions on the user's behalf


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