Configuring Channel Notifications

Configuring Channel Notifications

Communication is a vital part of any organization. Notifications enable you to keep the customers engaged with information on new releases, offers, request completion, or update employees on important information such as outages or upgrade activities.

This article talks about how an administrator can use Luma Virtual Agent to send Channel Notification to all the registered users.

Create Notification

To create a new notification, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Tenant menu → Settings → Channel Notification tab.

  2. Click on Create Notification.

  3. You can define the notification name, message.

  4. Configure Recipients: While creating a notification you can add recipients who will receive the notifications.

  5. Click on Create to save the Notification.

Send a Notification

Once the Notification is ready, you can push the notification to the users in the recipient list. Users receive the configured message on their chat channels.

Follow the below steps to send the notification:

Within the Notification,

  1. Select the required notification from the Notification List

  2. Click on the Send button.

  3. Select the Channel to which the Notification is to be sent.

  4. By default, it is set to the “Last Used” channel. This sends the notification to the channel last used by the recipient.

  5. Confirm by clicking Yes to send the notification.

Alternatively, From the Notification List:

  1. On the Notification list, hover over the required notification.

  2. Click the Send button.

  3. Select the Channel to which the Notification is to be sent.

  4. Confirm by clicking Yes to send the notification

The Notification is sent to the selected channel. You may view the notification details and delivery status of the sent notification on the Channel Notification History tab.

  • Select Public Group in case the notification should be sent to all the registered users.

  • A notification can be sent multiple times.

  • You may copy and edit an existing notification and trigger it to a different set of users or different channels as required. Refer to Copy and Edit Channel Notifications


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