Configuring Follow-ups

Configuring Follow-ups

Follow-ups in Luma Virtual Agent are designed to eliminate the manual effort spent by Administrators and Support Analysts to follow up with users and other routine tasks. You can create an actionable Follow-up in Luma Bot Builder to send smart notifications to end-users automatically from the bot, based on defined conditions such as ticket updates, approaching SLAs, etc. This significantly saves the analysts time and in turn, cost spent by your Organization.

Follow the below steps to configure a Follow-up:

  1. Navigate to Tenant menu → Settings → Follow-ups.

  2. Click on Create Follow-up.

  3. In the Follow-up details section, add Name and set Status to Active.

  4. Click Next to add Data Extraction information.

    1. Define the Polling Frequency at which the data should be fetched from the External system.

    2. In Conditional Data Extract add the Web Service Operations to fetch the data and set the values using in Global, Local, and Custom User Attributes as required.

    3. Define Data Reconciliation fields.

      1. Looping element is the data received from the Operations to be processed.

      2. Data Reconciliation ID is used to reconcile the data record on subsequent follow-ups.

      3. Select the response type in Individual Record Data Type.

  5. Click Next to configure the Recipients list.

    1. Add a Web Service Operations call to fetch recipient information from an external system

    2. Define Recipients reconciliation fields. Map the recipient fields extracted from the Data Extraction step to Luma VA User or Group Field to reconcile.

  6. Click Next. Configure the Message to be notified to the end-user in the chat channel. Use the context variable @{followup.data} to refer to the list of records.

  7. Select the Channel where the end-user should be notified. By default, it is set to the “Last Used” channel. This sends the follow-up message to the channel last used by the recipient.

  8. The Next step is to define the notification frequency.

  9. On the Notification Schedule, define the frequency and number of Follow-up attempts to be done with the recipients.

  10. Click Next to configure Post Follow-up Actions. These are predefined actions to be executed after the follow-up is executed. You may add Integrations to connect to a target system or Set Attribute to transform that should be executed After each follow-up attempt or After all follow-up attempts i.e. upon completion of the follow-up activity. The step is optional.

  11. Click Create.

Your Follow-up is now ready and is triggered automatically based on the scheduled frequency. You may view the follow-up sent by your Bot on Conversation History.

  • You can copy and edit existing Follow-up and configure it to a different set of users or different channels as required. Refer to Copy and Edit Follow-ups

  • Follow-ups can be exported from one bot and imported into another bot so that the same follow-ups can be used instead of recreating new ones For more information, refer to Export Follow-ups.



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