Channel Notification History

The Channel Notification History page allows you to view the list of In progress and completed notification activities triggered through Luma.


To go to the Channel Notifications History, navigate to Tenant menu → Settings . Click on the Channel Notifications section in the top navigation pane and click History tab .

This section helps to view the list of all the Channel notifications sent to the End-Users till date. Every notification is listed as an entry with below details:

  • Job ID : Each notification is assigned with an auto generated ID by the system for easy identification.

  • Name : Displays the name of the Notification assigned by administrator

  • Source : This column in the History tab indicates whether the notification is sent through the Notification API or the Web UI.

  • Status : This column indicates the status of the notification whether it is Pending or Completed.

  • Triggered On : This column records the time stamp when the particular notification has been triggered.

  • Completed On : This column is initially empty and upon successfully sending the notification the time stamp is recorded.

  • Triggered by User : This column holds the name of the administrator or developer who triggered the notification.

  • Request ID : An unique request ID is auto generated for each notification Send action.

Click on the notification record (except the notification name) to view status of the sent notification. Under the summary section, find the below details:

Targeted Users : Total number of users to whom the notification is being sent. This include individual users as well as members of the selected User group.

Success : Total number of users to whom the notification has been sent successfully

Failed : Total number of users for whom the notification delivery has failed

Pending : Total number of users for whom the notification delivery is still pending

Click on the user count to view corresponding notification status for each user in Details section.

  • Each Send action is considered as a new notification send request. System does not verify the Last Sent On date. If triggered multiple times, End user will receive multiple notifications.

  • Sending notification does not consume any session for User or Session based license.

  • A Notification fails in case User is not registered on the intended channel.

View Notification Details

To view the details of the Notification that was delivered, click on the Notification name in the Notification history list. It displays the details of the notification sent such as Name, Status and the Message. You can also view the list of targeted recipients (Individual Users and Groups) who were supposed to receive the Notification.

Search Notification

To search a notification, do the following:

  1. Type the Notification Name in the Search box (at least 2 characters)

  2. Press Enter.

Notification History List will be refreshed with the search result. Select the record to view details.


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