Self-Service User Work Area

Self-Service User Work Area

This article contains the following topics:

Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management helps automate the support services for your organization. As a Self-Service user, you can use it to request services that your support groups provide and find solutions to your workplace issues. The application also helps you track your service requests and collaborate with the support teams and other users. This article provides you an overview of the main components of your work area.


The WORKSPACES menu in the application is your gateway to perform your primary activities as an end user.

The key components of your workspace are:

Service Center

Service Center is your home page. This page serves as your main dashboard and provides you the following components:


Home provides the interface to perform the following tasks:

  • Select a catalog item from the Request Catalog and create a ticket.
  • View service desk announcements
  • View your five most recent outstanding items, including pending approvals, and reviews of KB articles.
  • View your five most recent open tickets.
  • View the three top rated knowledge articles.

The administrator configures the items that you see listed in the Announcements section. You can view the last modified date of the announcement and who the announcement was last modified by. Only active announcements appear in the Self-Service user interface. 

If information is unavailable for the widgets, you cannot view Outstanding Items, My Open Tickets, or Top Rated Articles.

The Search tab provides advanced search options for catalog items, tickets, and knowledge articles in the application. Your search text can use numeric, alpha-numeric, or special characters.

The search results are limited to your instance of the application and provide you access to:

  • The tickets that you log (and based on your permissions, tickets that others log in in your organization).
  • Knowledge articles made available to you by the application administrator.
  • Request catalog items

The search depends on your log in credentials. The search lists only those items that you or the support groups that you are part of have the permission to view. If your administrator has enabled access to a particular entity, only that entity is displayed in your search results. For example, solution record or Configuration Item record. You can only view those items that the administrator has enabled the Self-Service Users to view.

The Search tab is available on the Service Center page.

To search:

  1. Navigate to WORKSPACES> Service Center, and click Search.
  2. Enter the text - alpha-numeric or numeric values - in the search field and press Enter. A search of all records in the application that match the criteria, and that you access to view is initiated.
    All records that match your search text are displayed on the right side.
  3. You can click the record and can view all details that are related to the record.

You can filter the search results using one or more of the check boxes available under this tab.

My Tickets

My Tickets displays a list of all your tickets and provides the interface to perform the following tasks:

  • Open a ticket.
  • View ticket details like status, followers, message board, and work log.
  • Filter the list of tickets.
  • Add work log entries, attachments, configuration items, and comment on existing work log entries.
  • Follow the ticket.
  • View status chart for tickets.
  • With required slice parameter configuration, self-service users can see the tickets from their organization.                   
  • Relate a ticket to an asset that you own. For more information, see Asset Management.

My Assets 

My Assets displays a list of assets that you own and provides an interface to perform the following tasks:

  • Open an Asset.
  • View asset details like Asset Overview and the Asset Attributes.
  • View Asset in a New Tab.
  • View Asset in New Workspace Window.

Note: As a self-service user you cannot edit the asset details. Only an administrator or an asset manager has the permission to  edit an asset.

Request Catalog

Request Catalog provides templates, which are known as Catalog Items, to create tickets. These templates are tailor-made for different user needs. They help in routing the tickets through a predefined process, to a designated support group. The main components on this page are:

  • The Home tab provides the interface to perform the following tasks:
    • Search for a catalog item.
    • Filter the list of catalog items by categories.
    • Sort the catalog items by Name, Category, and Popularity. 
    • Check detailed description of the catalog item.
    • Request a catalog item.
  • The My Requests tab displays the following information:
    • The tickets that the user owns.
    • The tickets that the organization owns.
    • View the status chart for the tickets.

Outstanding Items

Outstanding Items displays the list of tasks that are pending from you. The Outstanding Items also provide the interface to perform the following tasks:

  • View items pending your approval and approve or reject them.
  • View items pending your review and provide your review comments.
  • View pending feedback requests from the service desk and submit your response.

Knowledge Management

This page provides you access to the application knowledge base repository. The main components on this page are:

  • Home provides snapshots of top knowledge articles under different categories.
  • Search provides advanced search options for knowledge articles.

Often, users of an IT service encounter minor issues which have a fairly simple solution or workaround. Solutions to such problems or frequently occurring issues can be made known to all users of IT service, including the Self-Service users.  

To facilitate storage and retrieval of these solutions and workarounds, the application has a Knowledge Management module. The knowledge articles can be created and saved in this module.

Self-Service Users can view knowledge articles, news, FAQs, and can obtain information about known outages in the Self-Service User interface. Users can search the knowledge base using the Search field. They can view the knowledge articles in the Knowledge Management section of the application.

You can search for solutions in the application knowledge base from the Knowledge Management page. This page displays the top knowledge articles under different categories.

To Search for Specific Knowledge Articles:

  1. Navigate to WORKSPACES> Knowledge Management, and click Search.

  2. Type a keyword in the Search Knowledge field and press Enter. Relevant search results are displayed.

You can filter your search results by KB Category and Last Modified time. To apply a filter on the search results, select one or more check boxes.

Select a solution from the search results to see details like the Symptom, Cause, and Resolution. If the solution matches your requirement, you can apply it to your existing issue.

Note:You can also search the knowledge base without specifying any parameter. Click the search icon and all solutions made available to Self-Service Users are displayed. If the administrator considers some solutions as universally applicable to a range of issues, users can mark them as Sticky Solution. They appear as the Top five Solutions in the list.

The administrator controls the list of solutions available to you as a Self-Service user. If you are unable to view a solution that you were able to see earlier, it could be because your administrator has revoked permission for Self-Service users to view that solution or made the solution inactive.

The application knowledge article form provides fields for Symptom, Cause, and Resolution for all articles. However, it is not compulsory for the administrator to populate all fields.

My Board

My Board displays your public message board and the contacts in your social network. The main components on this page are:

  • My Board displays the messages that are exchanged between you and the contacts in your social network. You can post messages on your board and comment on the messages that are displayed on your board.
  • Followers display the contacts that are following you and provides options for communicating with them.
  • Following displays the contacts and tickets that you are following and provides options for communicating with them.

Actions Button

The Actions button appears on all pages in the application. This button provides options for performing specialized tasks available on that page. This button also includes tasks that are common across all pages of the application.

The actions that are displayed in the drop-down are grouped under the following types:

  • Service Desk– This group appears only on some pages and lists the Service Desk specific actions that can be taken on those pages. Some examples are:
    • Create Request opens a new tab for creating a service request. This option is available in the Service Center pages.
    • Create New opens a new tab for creating a service request. This option is available in the Request Catalog page.
    • Save saves the ticket information. This option is available in the Service Center and the Request Catalog pages.
    • Schedule Report opens the Schedule Report dialog which helps you schedule a recurring report.
  • Workspaces– This group provides options that are common for all pages across the application. Examples are:
    • Set as Homepage sets the current page as your homepage.
    • Print prints the current page.

Social Collaboration Tools

The social collaboration tools are available on all pages of the application, at the top-right corner. You can use these tools to create a social network with other users using the application. You can share your opinions with your network.

The key social collaboration components are:

  • My Board opens your message board.
  • User Status displays your status as visible to other users. You set your status as busy, available, or away.
  • Contact List displays your contacts. You can search for contacts. You can add, remove, and follow the contact. You can also post messages to their boards, and send emails to them.

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