Known Issues

Known Issues

The following issues exist in the Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management:

Areas of ImpactDescriptionWorkaroundReference
Advanced Reporting 

An error is displayed when the user has permission to a report and not to the corresponding ad hoc View.--70004334
In the CSM: License Usage Overview report, the Licensed Users value in the license summary graph and license utilization trend is limited to 25 instead of actual number.----
The filter is not applied for Calculated Field such as Epoch to UTC Datetime.Create the calculated field from Edit Domain with Timestamp as “Type”. Add the field in the Display set and then use the field for applying filters.-
While editing a schedule for a report, if the Jaspersoft Server node is switched on the backend, the user may lose their in-progress work and have to restart editing the schedule.

Unable to save Advanced Reports Permissions if the Role contains special characters such as ( ).
Filters with special characters have a limitation when used with conditions such as ‘Contains’ or ‘Starts with’. But the filters work fine with conditions such as ‘is one of’, ‘is not one of’, ‘equals’, and ‘is not equal to’.

Able to save the schedules without adding mail contacts.
In Advanced Reporting when you schedule a report, clicking the Back button navigates to the Knowledge Management workspace. 
In Advanced Reporting when you save a View, the save message is displayed with HTML tag. 
Wild card and few of the special characters are not working properly. 
Automation  Currently, the list of workflows shown in the Automation Action are not shown in alphabetical order and don't have a consistent naming format. This makes it hard to find workflows and understand what connector they are associated with.  
In Automation the place holders information is not visible in  call service activity configuration 
Auto RoutesIn Auto Routes, the Auto Assignment rule is not working when the matching condition configured as Received In Mailbox.To remove this issue, configure Auto Route with workflow Action and then add the necessary additional steps.70006062
Advanced SearchThe Advanced search does not return results when searching with non-English strings.  
Advanced Ticket Center(Beta)       
  • CSV Export will not work if the Internet Explorer browser is used.
  • CSV Export will not work if the Safari browser is used in Windows.
  • Custom Attributes in existing Views will not be shown in those Views after the upgrade. Edit the Views after the upgrade to add Custom Attributes to the Views. Notification and video will appear in Advanced Ticket Center providing details of this change.
  • View: Tickets count is displaying based on the search results.

 Unable to save Kibana charts for certain Advanced Ticket Center views.
VIP users Tickets also displaying when we use Non VIP condition in Matching Criteria. 
Default Sort Order | Failing to save the view when we sort with Projects 
Able to add any number of charts from the Choose Items window but top two charts only displaying in UI. 
 Elastic search and reporting related information is displaying in error message when filters contains Like condition. 
Page refresh throws “Fail to perform operation error”. Issue specific to Firefox Browser.
AI Ticket Population   Values are not predicting when we use combination of special characters in the description 
Inactive Groups and Priorities are being set in the Tickets.
Auto Route values are applying to the ticket instead of ML predicted values when the Auto Route condition matches. 
Asset Connector 
  •  Asset connector fails to start due to session limit.
  • Categorization items without image throw error while adding in the configuration items.

CCTI  CCTI Related Attributes are not displaying when we change the CCTI. 
Change Collision  A ticket is not pointing to the starting position of the ticket. 
Change Collision option is not available for Change Requests in the mobile app. 
Collision Asset /CI, pop up does not display 'No data found' text if there are no Asset or CIs. 
Sorting is not working.  
Custom Attributes    Error is displayed while using a custom attribute value in drop-down or list that contains special characters in the name.The custom attribute values must be defined in English and later translate values using the language catalog.00360722
HT Attributes | Not able to add the attributes with the name as column Header. 
HT Attributes | Previous Ticket HT Attributes are still displaying in the copied ticket even after removing before saving the ticket.
HT attribute is still displaying as editable after saving the ticket  for SSU.
HT attribute values are still displaying in the ticket even after clearing and saving the ticket. 
Conditional Group Attributes     No option to Enable/Disable the Group.
The translation is not done for a few words. 
Latency in displaying the correct Mapping Attributes for questions.  
Hint message is displaying in an improper position.  
Conditional Group Attributes are not copying to the new ticket. 
Conditional question details are not displaying in Ticket Activity History.
The first question is considered as the default question. Adding a condition to an existing top-level conditional group question deviates from the expected behavior.
ISM - 10425
Pagination labels are not correct when rules for a question span across multiple pages.
In case of multiple questions with no entry criteria, questions are not consistently displayed on UI. 
Already utilized Ticket Template attributes are displaying when we map the attribute to the question. 
Mapped Attributes are displaying in ticket even after removing the CCTI 
Conditional Custom Attributes are not copying to the new ticket. 
Conditional Custom Group questions are not displaying in the ticket when we reattach the CCTI. 
Questions are not displaying in the ticket when we modify the Group Section Header. 
System does not restrict adding more than one default question to a group. It is not advisable to add multiple default questions to a group. Create a new group, add default question and rearrange question within the group by altering the sort orderISM-10666
System does not restrict creation of multiple groups with same template and section header.It is not recommended to create two or more groups with same template and section header.ISM-10663
On Ticket UI, questions (selected information) disappear if 2 or more questions are configured on same rule.Always create a unique rule for every dependent question using previous responses ISM-10656
On Ticket UI, questions are displayed as per the sort order provided at configuration. In case incorrect sort order is applied to interdependent questions, question order automatically changes once information is added for the question.
System does not restrict creation of rules without any questions.
In a group, if sort order for a question is changed and questions with a lower sort order are used in rules for any of the following questions, the matching criteria for the questions goes blankWhile updating sort order for a question, ensure that sort order and rule configuration for all questions in the group are changed accordingly.
Global Search 

Search results are not displayed if the percentage (%) symbol is used in the search string.

Last modified filters for global search do not function when searching values in child documents (example - custom attributes).

Configuration Items with Pending status are listed in the Elastic Search results. 
Last modified filters for elastic search do not work when searching values in child documents (example - custom attributes). 
 Pending Status Configuration Items are listing in the Elastic Results
GroupsGroup Work Schedule is not created properly for the first day of the schedule. For example, a new holiday is added to the calendar for the next day, the holiday is not updated correctly in Group Work Schedule.----
Knowledge Articles   Text highlighter feature will not work for Knowledge articles if Internet Explorer browser is used. 

Bullets and Numbering are not displayed correctly for Knowledge articles if Edge Browser is used. 

Images and videos that are stored in your system cannot be uploaded in the KB article. 

In the Announcements section in Ticket Center, the text will appear as normal text in the preview; the rich text will not be visible. 
Merging multiple lines data into a single line when clicking the Hyperlink option.  

Set as Home Page | Firefox | List of KB articles does not load until a page refresh
Notification Center and Ticket CenterUntil a member in the group takes ownership of the ticket, notifications are sent to the group regardless of selection in the Notification option for the group under Tools, Groups.--70000280
Outbound EmailsOutgoing emails are delayed even after the Quartz expression is configured to 3 minutes.----
When a notification is sent to a non-English user with Send Mail option from a ticket that has attachments and organization-based HTML template is configured as ON, no content is displayed and notifications are sent as attachments for some email servers.--
Process Workflow Designer Process Workflows does not configure a blank value for the Date custom field.----
Not able retire the workflow if two or more workflows are having the same name and one of the workflow is already in the Retired state. 
Search is not working properly. 
Open any Workflow for editing | Add Step sub options are displaying even after discarding the Add new step. 
Project CenterTicket Type and Status fields are not localized in the Project Center workspace.----
REST APIAPI calls via Swagger not responding in some environments.

Standard Reports

Define Search results are displaying only 50 records even though the results contain more than 50 records.--00313112
Unable to generate a report for Organizations that span across different result pages of the organization search.----
Currently, Search is limited to only English language. 

Skype for Business (Online) 
  • The Chat Conversation option will not be visible in Mobile, in the Filter window, in the Activity History section in the Ticket Center.
  • The link to view the chat conversation (saved in the activity history) will not show the conversation in Mobile.

Service Catalog   Row selection across multiple pages does not work in Service Catalog> Viewers> Groups screen.
Service Catalog Item names are showing in English Language when we open any ticket from Ticket Center for Chinese Language. 
Failing to create the Ticket with exception "java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "-"" 
My Request | Filters are not clearing after disabling the closed config parameter. 

In a Parent ticket, if the HT attribute is not explicitly saved, and the action (to create task ticket) is executed, the value of HT attribute is not populated in the resulting task ticket.

SLA Cannot remove matching criteria from SLA target if there is only one row item in the matching criteria. 
 Ticket link in SLA emails returns an error message (SSO authentication). 
Ticket CenterWhen a Service Level Target is created and the SLA reaches the threshold, no notifications are sent.--00168198
Hierarchical Tree search is not supported.--00167079
Unable to open or edit a ticket if one of the Custom Attributes or Section Headers of the ticket has the same name as the system-defined ticket field/section.--00170317
The Approval Phase value is not displayed in full in the Approval section of a change request if it contains '<' character in the Approval Phase string.
In the Related Tickets section in the ticket center, while performing any action using the Bulk Actions menu, the bulk action summary is not visible completely. If the bulk action summary is lengthier, the description is not visible completely.
If the hierarchical tree attribute value is long (up to level 5), the displayed string on ticket form is truncated.
When the Ticket status is updated using the workflow action, the status is not immediately reflected in the Advanced Search results; including the list of tickets to relate. 
The self-service user is unable to expand Tickets By Status chart, if the Tickets list is filtered by status. 
  • If the Ticket Status is set to Inactive in the Valuelist, it is indicated in the existing entities such as autoroute, process flow, workflow action, and SLA targets (Paused status field).
  • The new ticket status values do not support non-English characters.
  • The following values are supported in English.

      - Characters from A to Z

      - Uppercase and lowercase letters

      - Numbers from 0 to 9.

 Case ID is not available for tickets in the mobile app.
 Print to PDF: Links are open only when we click the domain name from PDF file.
 Full Activity History: Error occurs while searching By User with a name for the second time using the Filter window.
Ticket activity history does not show names of the attachments added through 'upload' operation of the REST connector.  
After session timeout, while switching to a different workspace, navigates to the Login page.
In Activity History, Complete Data is not exporting to PDF (or) Excel when we set "ENABLE_TICKET_FIELD_AUDITING" parameter to YES. 
HT attribute is deleted from the existing ticket when clear from the copied ticket. 
Ticket activity history does not show names of attachments added through 'Upload' operation of REST connector.  
Automation logs are not updating properly. 
Exporting CSV of related tickets to a Global issue doesn't give complete data in the exported file. 
Similar tickets and Suggested KB Articles fail to load on 'Edit ticket in new workspace window' operation - no request is made. 
Org support note is displayed even if Organization field is hidden via role based view. 
UsersConfirm Password is getting highlighted in red when the VIP check box is selected in the Users screen.
Web services  
  • Web service operation does not fetch response if the Search field is mapped to a dynamic attribute and not a static value.
  • The configuration is resetting to previously saved configuration instead of resetting to initial default configuration.



 Users cannot be validated with Specific Auth_token (Expression).

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