Release Notes
This article contains notes about the following releases:
Patch - December 2024
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Areas of Impact | Impacted Users | Description | Serviceaide Defect ID |
Ticket center | All Users | Ability to hold the URL attribute to Launch the URL from ticket. For more information, refer to create and manage attributes | ISM-13308 |
Improved Service Feedback form | All Users | CES Tracking in survey feedback form. 7 Options can be presented for Questions. For more info click here | ISM-13311 |
Process Flows | Administrator | Ability to view the complete information in Entry criteria and assignment criteria under process flow. Click here to know more. | ISM-13310 |
Note: We are planning to deprecate the Asset Native Discovery option by this Year end
This release also contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page.
Release - October 2024
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Feature | Description |
Asset Discovery configuration Removal for Native Discovery | As part of the end-of-life process for the Native Discovery component of ASSET, the option to select Native Discovery from the dropdown has been removed, along with all related items from the configuration page. Refer to Asset Discovery |
Attachment preview support in ISM | With this release, attachments can be previewed in Tickets. |
Advanced Matching Expression Script option for Workflow actions under Process flow | Administrators can now leverage JavaScript functionality to create matching conditions for workflow actions in the Process flow. Please refer Configure Entry Criteria in Process Flow. |
Multiple BOT support for Webwidget in Luma | Admins can configure multiple language bots in ISM to launch Luma based on the user's language, Currently supported English, Spanish and Portuguese. For more details refer to Luma Web Widget Integration |
Search categories should include Catalog Items | Additional to the Search Category, Users can now search the entire catalog items from the search Categories section under Request Catalog workspace. For more information click Request Catalog |
Email validation for incoming emails to identify the user | All incoming emails will be matched against the username and email address and if either matches the ticket will be updated. |
Capture Audit information for Common Workflow Actions (bulk actions) (Data with modified information) | Enhancement to ISM audit information (Admin activities) to capture the audit for common Workflow Actions. |
JavaScript functionality to Assign rules and entry criteria in Process Flow | In Process flow we can now add Advanced Matching Expression Script option for Auto routes and also add Advanced Script option for Set fields under assignment rule. Refer to Configure Entry Criteria in Process Flow. |
Mandatory attachments in Process flow workflow action | We now can configure mandatory attachments for workflow action in Process flow step, It should behave the same way as adding any other mandatory parameters, this means new attachment need to be added to complete the step. Refer Manual Workflow Steps for more info. |
Enhancement to email parsing to handle updates from email | We can now parse the incoming email only for ticket approvals using the config parameter 'INBOUND_EMAIL_ONLY_FOR_APPROVAL' if set to Yes, the incoming email will be used only for approvals and if the parameter is set to No, the incoming mails are used for all ticket creation/Updates. For Details visit Configure Inbound and Outbound Email Messages |
Note: We are planning to deprecate the Asset Native Discovery option by this Year end
This release also contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page.
Carpathian Maintenance Release 2 - September 2024
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
AdSync with the Latest version of Java Support | We have enhanced the AdSync utility to support the latest version of Java Support Note: We have tested up to V21 Note: The sync.bat file to run the sync provided along with the new package will work with only the latest version of Java (17 and Above), existing JDK/JRE 8 users need to use the old sync.bat to run the sync. For earlier versions of Java, We need to remove this line from the sync.bat "--patch-module jdk.unsupported=../lib/base64encoder.jar" |
Note: We are planning to deprecate the Asset Native Discovery option by this Year end
This release also contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page.
Carpathian Maintenance Release 1 - July 2024
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Organization-Based License Support | Organization-based license functionality allows to distribute the license to support groups belong to the org independently. The slice configuration parameter is available to enable ‘ENABLE_ORG_BASED_LICENSE’ for tenants. Note: This feature will be applicable for concurrent/floating license users only. |
Enhancement to Request Catalog | Administrators can now use the sort order to show the Catalog category list based on the configuration. |
Audit History for Change Management - Change Planning section | Administrators can now get all the updates/changes done to the change planning section of the change ticket when the ENABLE_TICKET_FIELD_AUDITING is enabled in the configuration parameter. |
Enhancement to SSU (My Tickets workspace) | Update the actual ticket type for Self-service users in the List View same as the Grid view |
Enhancement to Hierarchical Attribute in Ticket Center | Removed one of the Search Label in the Hierarchy tree custom attribute in Ticket |
This release also contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page.
Carpathian - February 2024
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Customize Bot icon | Customize the Luma Virtual Agent icon with ease. Integrate the desired icon URL as part of Luma integration information. Ensure the icon is accessible via a public URL. For more information, refer to Luma Web Widget Integration |
Enhancement to Inbound email rule | Administrators can now leverage JavaScript to refine Inbound email rules, enabling administrators to efficiently manage ticket creation for incoming emails. The script enables the administrator to add special condition(s) to create different ticket types. For more information, refer to Configure Inbound Email Messages |
Advanced Option to Set Fields in Process Flow | Administrators can now use the power of JavaScript to process the data to update Set Fields to the attributes in Process flow |
Updates to Request Catalog Homepage | Set Request Catalog as your Homepage. Similar to Ticket Center, the Request Catalog homepage now provides easy access to the Announcements, Outstanding Items, Your Open Tickets, and Top Rated Articles. |
Integration with AI services (Beta) | Introducing AI services in ISM (BETA release). (This feature would be available only for Luma and ISM customers) Using the AI services the system can automatically:
Other Enhancements | Here are the other updates that are part of this release:
This release also contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page.
Patch - October 2023
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Restricted actions on Closed tickets | Adding and Deleting attachments for Closed Tickets is not allowed. AddNew, Relate Attachments and Grid actions for Closed tickets are now disabled, restricting all users from making changes to the attachments. |
Other Enhancements | The following improvements are part of this release:
This release also contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page.
Patch - July 2023
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Updated Group Viewer Privileges | The Group viewer member privileges are updated in this release. For a Group Viewer member of a group:
Note: The restriction is applicable only if the Group-based access is enabled for your tenant. |
Adhoc reports | Group-based access is now applicable for all Custom Adhoc reports. If Group-based access is enabled for your tenant, tickets assigned to a group are not visible to other group members. Note: The group-based access rules will apply only to custom reports (Not for OOTB Adhoc reports) |
Patch - June 2023
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Patch - May 2023
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Patch - April 2023
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Patch - March 2023
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Kruger- February 2023
The following video shows the features and enhancements of this release:
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Process Workflows | Set the dates fields as part of the Workflow process. You can now set Dates Fields such as Planned Start date, and Planned End date as part of Process Flow for Change Request Type. |
Analysts and Administrators | New Supervisor Role with access to all tickets. You can now assign Supervisor roles to Administrators, Managers, and leads to enable them to view all tickets associated with all groups. |
Integration with Serviceaide Automation | ISM is now integrated with Service Automation to execute automation workflows. As part of Process workflows,
For more information, refer to Automation Workflow. |
Improved matching criteria for SLA Targets | Add advanced matching criteria for your SLA targets. You can now define custom matching criteria for your SLA Targets using ticket fields and custom Attributes. On Service Level Targets, enable Advanced Criteria and the required condition (where clause) in the criteria section. For more information, refer to Manage Service Level Agreements. |
Color themes | Updated small adjustments to the design and color themes in ISM |
Configuration Items | Following are the updates to the Configurations Items part of the release:
Access Service Catalogs via Luma VA | Find your Service Catalogs through Luma and create well-formed actionable tickets. You can now access Service Catalogs in ISM through your Luma Virtual Agent. Import your existing Service Catalogs into Luma and enable end-users to request for services using the service catalogs. Note: To use Service catalogs, Luma Knowledge should be configured for your organization. To procure Luma Knowledge tenant, please get in touch with Serviceaide Support team. |
This release contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Patch - October 2022
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Patch - August 2022
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Patch - July 2022
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Patch - June 2022
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Patch - May 2022
This release contains only bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Zircom - May 2022
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Export and Import Workflow process | You can now Export and Import Process flow from one environment to another. Administrators can select the published process flows and import the workflows along with all the related entities such as custom attributes used in the matching condition, set fields, associated communication templates, web services, permissions For more information, refer to Design a Process Workflow-->Export and Import Process Workflow |
New Configuration Parameters | The following configuration parameters are added in this release:
Audit History for Administration Action | ISM now captures the audit information for the following Admin activities.
You can also report on the audit information. To download the audit details, please reach out to the Serviceaide support team. |
Other Enhancements | Following are the other updates that are part of this release:
This release contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Xanthite - September 2021
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Advance Ticket Center | Support for Custom Attribute filters on Advance Ticket Center. You can now add Custom Attributes as matching criteria on Advanced Ticket Center to filter tickets by custom attributes matching conditions. The new filters can be enabled for your tenant using the configuration parameter, ENABLE_ATC_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_MATCHING_CONDITION. Set the parameter to Yes and enable the Custom Attributes Matching Criteria on Advance Ticket Center. For more information, see Advanced Ticket Center . |
Approval Reminders for Service Request | You can now enable Approval Reminders for Service Request. A new configuration Parameter OUTSTANDING_APPROVAL_REMINDERS_FOR_OTHER_TICKETS is now available to enable the system to send reminder notifications to the approvers at specific intervals for Service Requests, Incident Tickets and Problem Tickets. By default, the reminders are disabled. For more information, see Service Desk Parameters . |
Improvements on Feedback notification | Feedback notifications can now be triggered based on the Assignment Groups and Reason Code. In addition to Organizations, Groups and Contacts, Administrators can now schedule feedback notifications for the tickets that are assigned to a specific Assigned/Resolution group or Reason code. For more information, see Create, Schedule, and Manage Service Feedback |
Enhanced Password Encryption | ISM now supports the enhanced Password encryption algorithm SHA-2. You can now upgrade from SHA-1 to SHA-2 encryption algorithm to improve security for your tenant. The configuration is tenant specific and is managed by the Operations team. You may get in touch with the Support team to update the encryption to SHA 2. Note: Upon updating Password encryption to SHA-2, users from your tenant would need to reset their passwords to update the encryption key. The existing password will not work. |
Ticket Center Enhancement | On Ticket center, Analyst can now Search and View Knowledge Articles based on Ticket CCTI. The new filter 'Include KB Articles CCTI' can be used to search for the most relevant Knowledge Articles. For more information, see Add Ticket Solution Details. |
This release contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Maintenance - April 2021
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Webhooks Regenerate Events | You can now regenerate Webhook events from the Ticket Actions, to trigger the webhooks to create/update tickets. For more information, see Webhooks for tickets. |
Service Request Approval Notifications | You can now send follow-up notifications to Approvers regarding outstanding Service Request approvals until the request is approved. Configuration parameter NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_FOR_OUTSTANDING_APPROVAL_REMINDERS is used to determine the Time Interval (in Hrs.) between successive reminder notifications to Approvers for the outstanding approvals. For more information, refer to Change Management Parameters. |
New SLA status Resolve-Validation | New Ticket Status 'Resolve-Validation' is now available. The status is used to hold the SLA until the end-user validates the resolution and to track the actual (first) issue resolution date for Reporting and Analysis. In case the Ticket is Reopened, SLA is reapplied and the new Resolution date is captured when the ticket is moved to Resolve-Validation status. |
ISM-ITAS Automation integration | ISM is now integrated with new Automation workflows that allow you to automate tasks on remote services, servers, applications, and hardware. It removes the need to manually perform repetitive or rules-based tasks. Automation workflows are predefined processes for a specific business process that can be used to streamline the resolution of high volume and low complexity issues such as ‘Enabling an AD Account’ or ‘Resetting a password.’ For more information, refer to Automation |
Service Catalog- Export and Import Improvement | Service Catalog Export-Import feature is enhanced to include associated custom attributes and custom attribute templates in the catalog. When exporting Service Catalog, the Custom attributes and Custom Attribute Templates associated with the selected catalog and assigned CCTI combination are exported to the XML file. This enables the Administrators to create and test Service catalogs in the staging environment and then migrate the catalogs to the production environment. For more information, refer to the Manage Service Catalog |
New Token for Outbound Webservices and Webhook configurations | Following New Tokens are added:
Process Workflow update | New listing value 'Created By' is added to matching condition on Process Flow for Auto assignment configuration |
This release contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Wishbone– February 2021
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Webhooks History UI | A new user interface to view History Logs for Webhooks is now available. You can now view historical information of the events triggered through a Webhook and retrigger the failed events. For more information, see Webhooks for tickets. |
Managing Incoming email | Following System configurable parameters have been added to manage the behavior for incoming emails
For more information, see System Parameters |
Auto Assignment Rule Correlation Report | You can now export and download the list of all Auto Assignment rules linked to a Process Workflow in a CSV file. For more information, see Migrate to Process Designer |
Ticket Center Enhancement | You can now download all the attachments related to a ticket using Download All Attachments option. All the related attachments will be downloaded on your local machine in a zip file. For more information, see Manage Ticket Relationships. |
Delete Ticket Audit logs | Delete Ticket Audit Logs are now captured in ISM. You can view the audit information on who has deleted a ticket and the deletion timestamp. |
Attachment support for SDM Connector | Attachment support for CA Service Desk Manager (SDM) and other ITSM systems that support multipart file attachment is now available. You can now send attachments to those ITSM systems using webhook. |
Configurable Navigational link | You can now create a customizable navigation menu that launches a 3rd party application the ISM application. You may contact Serviceaide Support team or your account manager to configure the workspace with a navigational link to launch ab external application. |
Restrict/Allow SSU users to add items to the Hierarchical attribute | Ability to restrict/allow self-service user to add items to the Hierarchical attribute based on the configuration parameter value. For more information, see System Parameters |
This release contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Maintenance - January 2021
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Webhooks enhancements | Following functionalities have been added to Webhooks :
Note: The ServiceNow Endpoints supported earlier was /now/attachment/file and now the supported endpoint is /now/attachment/upload, The later method supports multipart file attachment earlier was supporting binary. |
Maintenance - December 2020
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Webhooks enhancements | Following functionalities have been added to Webhooks :
Catalog Family | You can now provide an image using Catalog Family for the classification categories available in ISM. As an Administrator, you can configure images for each category level. These images help in navigating through the hierarchy of categories to select the correct Service Catalog. Image set at the Parent level is automatically inherited by the Child levels unless images are configured for the individual hierarchy levels. |
Request Catalog enhancement | You can now browse through the Catalog Family hierarchy levels to select the Service Catalog of your choice to log a ticket. |
Time spent on Worklog | “Timespent” field now allows you to log up to 99999 minutes while adding a new Worklog for a ticket For more information, see Take an action on ticket |
Service Catalog- Export and Import | Bulk Export and Import of Service Catalog from one environment to another are now available. You can now reuse configured and tested Service Catalog instead of recreating new ones. For more information, refer to the Manage Service Catalog |
Vivianite – October 2020
The following video shows the features and enhancements of this release:
This release includes the upgrade of the underlying ISM components and third-party libraries.
Update | Description |
Webhooks for tickets | A new feature "Webhook" is now available. For every subscribed event under Webhooks, when the corresponding event happened in the ISM application, it would trigger the configured web service automatically to update/notify the corresponding system. |
New Configuration Parameter to restrict workflow actions display | Following five new configurable parameters are now available. As an administrator, you can now configure to view or hide the workflow actions based on the configured ticket status.
Ticket Follower Update | Any updates to ticket activities and events can now be notified to the users who follow the ticket by adding the '${notification_followers} token to the communication template. All the notifications triggered with ${notification_followers} token in the communication template will be notified to the Followers. |
Maintenance – July 2020
This release includes the upgrade of the underlying ISM components and third-party libraries.
Update | Description |
Process Designer | “Client Viewable” field can now be set when Worklog is created through Process workflow. You can now add “Client Viewable” in Process Designer and set the value. |
Requester’s manager field is now available as a token. On Process Designer, you can use ${tr.manager_requester} token in Set fields to populate the Manager’s details to any field in the Ticket. | |
Advanced Ticket Center | Following Matching Criteria are now available on Process workflow and Advanced ticket center.
Note: The filters are case sensitive. |
New configuration on service catalog configuration screen | New Request Catalog workspace is now available that allows users to filter the Service catalog based on the Classification and update information as required. On the Service Catalog Configuration, Administrators can select a classification to identify the Service Catalogs. The field allows analysts to add 5 classification questions that can be used to filter the Catalogs. |
Popup for Outstanding Items | Any pending Surveys or feedbacks Outstanding information will now pop up after login. You may click on Continue to view any pending actions on the Outstanding item List. |
Requested For Update | ‘Update_Requester_to_Requested_For_during_ticket_lifecycle’ configurable parameter is now available. As an administrator, you can set the config parameter to "yes" to enable auto-populating Requester information to Requested For field during entire Ticket Lifecycle For more information, see Service Desk Parameters |
Unicorn – June 2020
This release includes the upgrade of the underlying ISM components and third-party libraries.
Update | Description |
Java Upgrade to Open JDK 11 | Java version 8 has been upgraded to Java JDK 11 |
Tomcat Upgrade | Tomcat version 7 has been upgraded to Tomcat version 9 |
Operating System Upgrade | Various Operating Systems have been consolidated into a single Operating System, CentOS 7.x |
Topaz - April 2020
The following video shows the features and enhancements of this release:
Update | Description |
Advanced Ticket Center | This release includes the following improvements in Advanced Ticket Center:
Description field now allows 512 characters. Task Name field now allows 256 characters.
For more information, see Advanced Ticket Center |
Role Based Views | New Role Based View ‘Default View For Asset center’ is now available. As an administrator, you can use the default to create view specific to your organisational requirement. For more information, see Create and Manage Role Based Views |
Groups | New Group viewer role is now available. As administrator you can now tag members of your group to Group Viewer role. For more information, see Create and Manage Group |
Process Workflow | Arithmetic operations ++ and -- are now available on Process designer. As an administrator, you can now increment or decrement an attribute value in a Process Workflow step. For more information, see Use Automation Steps and Use Manual Workflow Steps |
Configuration Parameter | A new configuration parameter ‘ALLOWED_TICKET_STATUSES_TO_UPDATE_VIA_EMAIL’ is now available that allows user to update the ticket status through email. For more information, see Service Desk Parameters |
Knowledge Management | ‘Send email’ action button is now available on Knowledge Management → article details page. As a Knowledge Management user, you may now send email notifications to regarding KB article status. For more information, see Create and Manage Knowledge Base Articles |
Conditional Group Attributes | In addition to List and Text attributes, Conditional Group attributes now accept Date type custom attributes. For more information, see Conditional Group Attributes |
Maintenance - February 2020
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Configurable Parameter | New configurable parameter ‘DISABLE_MY_ASSETS_SERVICE_CENTER’ is now available. As an administrator, you can now enable or disable ‘My Assets’ on Service Center workspace. For more information, see Service Desk Parameters |
Communication Template | New tokens, SLA_due_by and SLA_due_date, are now available in Communication templates. For more information, see Create and Manage Communication Template |
Single Sign On | Support for Non SSO domains For more information, see Implement Single Sign-On for Microsoft Azure |
Process Workflow | Close Ticket on Exit option and under advance option, Mandatory fields and matching conditions now available in Automation action Design. For more information, see Use Manual Workflow Steps |
This release contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Maintenance - January 2020
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Conditional Attribute Group | This release includes enhancements to Conditional Attribute Group to allow an administrator to perform the below activities:
For more information, see Conditional Group Attributes |
Ticket Assignment | As an Analyst, you will be able to assign a ticket to other groups if Group based security is enabled. |
This release contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page
Sapphire - November 2019
The following video shows the features and enhancements of this release:
Update | Description |
New Dashboard | A brand-new dashboard is available under the Reports menu and in Advanced Ticket Center to provide you a comprehensive snapshot of your service desk. This new Dashboard aims to replace the legacy Standard Reports, Adhoc Reports, and Dashboards. Advanced Reporting will continue to be a key component available for organizations to build more complex reports. The dashboard lets you visualize your organization’s data in the simplest graphical forms, track performance metrics, monitor unassigned tasks and helps enhance future decision making. Using the Dashboard, you can:
For more information, see Dashboard Overview and Dashboard (in Advanced Ticket Center) |
Advanced Ticket Center | This release includes the following improvements in Advanced Ticket Center:
For more information, see Advanced Ticket Center |
Auto-Populate Inbound Email Ticket Fields using AI (Beta) | Note This feature is currently in Beta and not available to all customers. If you would like to try it please contact your account manager or Using Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing, two AI components, Intelligent Service Management (ISM) analyzes an organization's historical tickets and can set the CCTI, Priority, and Assigned group for the ticket based on the subject line of a user's email. This feature improves mean-time-to-resolution by reducing the amount of analyst time filling out a ticket and transferring it to the right group. For more information, see Auto-populate Tickets Using AI |
Similar Tickets and Suggested Solutions | Using Machine Learning, analysts are shown similar tickets and suggested solutions on the right side of the ticket. This improves MTTR by putting relevant information at the analyst's fingertips. For more information, see Log a Ticket |
Maintenance - September 2019
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Prioritize a ticket based on the highest impact value of the related CIs | Use related Configuration Items to better reflect the impact of the issue in the environment.
For more information, see Configuration Management, Create and Manage Configuration Items |
Approval enhancements to support additional contact fields to be available in contextual approvals | To capture the Cost center information and the Cost center Approval, the following fields are added to the Users page.
To support additional approvals based on the cost center and projects, the following fields are added in the Process Workflow:
For more information, see Use Manual Workflow Steps, Manage Users |
Hierarchical Tree (HT) Custom Attribute enhancement | Hierarchical Tree (HT) custom attributes give users a simple way to select a value in a tree structure. Populating these types of custom attributes has always been through spreadsheet imports. Now users can populate the values manually if necessary and allow for dynamic creation of new structures. Administrators, Analysts, and Self-service users can now add values to the HT custom attributes in a ticket. For more information, see Create and Manage Attributes |
Ruby - August 2019
The following video shows the features and enhancements of this release:
Update | Description |
Dashboard (Beta) | Note This feature is currently in Beta and not available to all customers. A brand-new dashboard is available under the Reports menu and in Advanced Ticket Center to provide you a comprehensive snapshot of your service desk. This new Dashboard aims to replace the legacy Standard Reports, Adhoc Reports, and Dashboards. Advanced Reporting will continue to be a key component available for organizations to build more complex reports. The dashboard lets you visualize your organization’s data in the simplest graphical forms, track performance metrics, monitor unassigned tasks and helps enhance future decision making. Using the Dashboard, you can:
For more information, see Dashboard Overview and Dashboard (in Advanced Ticket Center) |
Design complex multi-product workflows with the Automation Designer | A remodeled and improved Automation engine with a workflow designer is available in Intelligent Service Management (ISM). This includes the ability to launch multi-step workflows that connect to Active Directory, VMWare, Windows, Linux and more directly from an action on a ticket. It allows organizations to automate tasks on remote services, servers, applications, and hardware. It removes the need to manually perform repetitive or rules-based tasks. It can dramatically streamline the way IT operates, shifting most or all of the system administration tasks from people to the system. Please note Automation is an add-on component and not out of the box with ISM. To try Automation in your Staging environment contact your account manager or To learn about the feature, see Automation |
Hierarchical tree attributes available on Configuration Items(CI) | As an Administrator, you can add a hierarchical tree custom attribute based on the CCTI type, while creating a Configuration Item (CI). It enhances the user experience in terms of visibility of data. Using the Bulk Upload template you can manage information through the custom Hierarchical Tree. For more information, see Create and Manage Configuration Items |
Inform analysts of key information with a Support Note on Organizations | Analysts are working with many different organizations and aren't always aware of special considerations such as upcoming renewals, recent upgrades, management changes and so on. With the new Support Note, an analyst will see key information about the requester's organization directly on the ticket. This keeps them up to date on the latest information for that organization so they can better handle the ticket and user. For more information, see Manage Organizations |
Enhanced Luma Web Widget inside ISM | For organizations using the Luma Virtual Agent, the embedded Web Widget inside ISM now includes several new features. The Web Widget chat window will show the chat history as well as any missed followup messages. Important Please note that you must update your Web Widget configuration parameters after the upgrade. The Web Widget will not work until you do this. For more information, see Luma Web Widget Integration |
Conditional Group Attribute Rule Enhancement | As an enhancement to the existing Rule creation in Conditional Group Attribute, while creating a rule, along with the list type attributes you can also add text type attributes. For more information, see Conditional Group Attributes |
Advanced Reporting Upgrade | This release includes a major upgrade to Advanced Reporting. Advanced Reporting is built on top of Jaspersoft and we have upgraded to the latest release in Staging and Production environments. This release contains several new features that will improve usability, configuration and performance in Advanced Reporting including:
For more information, see Manage Ad Hoc Views |
Require an attachment on a new ticket | Some ticketing processes such as an employee onboarding workflow require a word document or spreadsheet to be filled out and attached to the ticket. Enforcing this rule prior to this release was often difficult. A new checkbox 'Is Attachment Mandatory' is now available on Catalog Items to help Administrators require that an attachment be added to a ticket before the initial save. |
Quartz - May 2019
The following video shows the features and enhancements of this release:
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Build Conditional Forms with Custom Attributes | Create dynamic questions based on user input in the Additional Information section of a ticket. This feature allows for a much more user-driven experience when creating and updating tickets. Here are a few examples of how this feature can be leveraged:
To build this type of conditional form you need Custom Attributes, Custom Attribute Templates and then create a Conditional Attribute Group. For more information, see Conditional Group Attributes |
Trigger an Automation Workflow Using an Autoroute with Workflow Action | In February a new Automation engine was launched for Intelligent Service Management (ISM). This includes the ability to launch multi-step workflows to Active Directory, VmWare, Windows, Linux and more directly from an action on a ticket. In this release we have added the ability to trigger an Automation workflow using an Autoroute with Workflow Action in the Process Workflow. This allows a workflow to be executed without any user intervention in ISM. For more information on setting up this type of trigger, see Create and Manage Auto Routes. The automation service in Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management (ISM) helps you automate ITSM processes and workflows directly from a ticket. For more information on Automation, see Automation. |
Communication Tab in Activity History | A new tab is available within the Ticket Activity History. The Communication tab shows only email messages for the ticket which helps the analyst quickly see email interactions without having to scroll through the full activity history. Email updates continue to also be visible on the Full Activity History tab. For more information, see View Ticket Details |
Advanced Reporting Upgrade | Note Due to a bug in this new Advanced Reporting version, only Staging environments are updated with this functionality. Production will be updated later. This release includes a major upgrade to Advanced Reporting. Advanced Reporting is built on top of Jaspersoft and we have upgraded to the latest release. This release contains several new features that will improve usability, configuration and performance in Advanced Reporting including:
For more information, see Manage Ad Hoc Views Be sure to test your existing reports in Staging. |
Maintenance - April 2019
This release contains bug fixes documented on the Published Fixes page.
Pearl - February 2019
The following video shows the features and enhancements of this release:
The following new features and updates are included in this release:
Update | Description |
Automation | A new Automation engine is available for Intelligent Service Management. Now you can launch multi-step workflows directly from an action on a ticket. These workflows can connect to Active Directory, VmWare, Windows, Linux and many more systems. This helps your organization improve efficiency and Mean Time to Resolution by automating manual agent tasks. This is the same engine that is used with Luma so organizations can automate from a conversation or from a ticket. Automation is a separately licensed module that is based on the number of executed workflows. Please contact your account manager or to have it turned on for a trial in your Staging environment. Please note that with this new offering the Automation Center workspace will be retried in May 2019 as communicated in September 2018. For more information, see Automation |
REST Web Service | A brand new web service is available for connecting your other apps to Intelligent Service Management (ISM). This Web Service allows you to encode your calls using REST (Representational State Transfer). As an administrator you can validate the information using Swagger to create, update, and delete requests (incident, change request, and so on) from a server.
For more information, see REST APIs |
Advanced Ticket Center | Based on the customer feedback, we've added even more enhancements to Advanced Ticket Center.