Knowledge Article Web-services
Mandatory input for each operation
- Credentials - Web Service Client User authentication credentials
- extendedSettings - Extended Settings such as response format.
Each Operation returns -
- DefaultServiceResponse JavaBean container which stores the specific bean response for Web Services operation
- While creating an entity, values for fields such as Row ID (Unique system generated), Entity ID (System generated) should not be entered as input parameter values.
- While updating an entity, values for fields that already contain a Read only value should not be entered as input parameter values.
Id: 57
Returns an excerpt pertaining to the specified the knowledge article.
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id for which details should be fetched.
State, Status, Approved By, CCTI ID, Category, Cause, Class, Comments, Created By, Created On, Does this article solve your problem, Item, Keyword, Last Approved, Last Modified, Modified By, Number of Times This Article Solved an Issue, Number of Times Viewed, Rate This Article, Related To KB Article Category, Resolution, Row ID, Short Symptom, Solution Category ID, Sticky KB Article, Symptom Description, Type, article_rating, avg_article_rating
Id: 58
Returns the list of all the active knowledge articles matching the specified search criteria.
Input Parameters
searchText - String to match the Knowledge Article Category, Knowledge Article Symptom, Keywords, Class, Category, Type, Item etc.
Id, Class, category, Type, Item, KB Article Category, Short Symptom, State, Modified By
Id: 59
Returns the list of all the active knowledge article categoriess matching the specified search criteria.
Input Parameters
searchText - String to match the Knowledge Article Category etc.
Category, Show on Knowledgebase Home, Is Predefined, ID
Id: 60
Adds solution information into the knowledgebase with the provided details.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleBean - Knowledge Article Bean containing details which must be used to create the Knowledge Article.
KB Article ID, KB Article Category ID, KB Article Category, Short Symptom, Sticky KB Article, Number of Times Viewed, Number of Times This Article Solved an Issue, State, Status, Average Rating, CCTI ID, Class, Category, Type, Item, Symptom Description, Cause, Resolution, Created On,
Id: 61
Updates an existing knowledge article identified by the row id with the provided details.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleBean - Knowledge Article Bean containing details which must be used to create the Knowledge Article.
KB Article ID, KB Article Category ID, KB Article Category, Short Symptom, Sticky KB Article, Number of Times Viewed, Number of Times This Article Solved an Issue, State, Status, Average Rating, CCTI ID, Class, Category, Type, Item, Symptom Description, Cause, Resolution, Created On,
KB Article ID
Id: 144
Returns a list of all the search keywords used to improve knowledge base article search.
input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id for which keywords should be fetched.
Row ID, sol_column, Type, Keyword
Id: 145
Returns a list of all the feedback comments submitted by the readers on a specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id for which feedback comments should be fetched.
Comments, Solved?, Rating, User, Date
Id: 146
Returns a list of all the items such as Configuration Items, CCTI for Configuration Items or Organizations that are related to the specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id for which related items should be fetched.
Name, Type, Row ID
Id: 147
Returns a list of all the related attachment document(s) pertaining to the specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id for which attachments should be fetched.
Created By, Description, File Name, Type, Attachment ID, Can be used as Global, Name
Id: 148
Returns a list of all the user/group/roles whose are granted privileges on the specified knowledge article.
input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id for which permissions should be fetched.
Name, Type
Id: 149
Adds a new KB Article Keyword to improve keyword-based searches for the specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id to which a keyword is to be added.
keyword - Keyword which must be added to the Knowledge Article.
Id: 150
Deletes an existing KB Article search keyword associated with the specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id from which a keyword is to be deleted.
keyword - Keyword which must be deleted from the Knowledge Article.
Id: 151
Relates/associates an existing attachment document to the specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id to which an attachment is to be related.
attachmentId - Attachment Id which must be related to the knowledge article.
Id: 152
Unrelates or removes the relationship for an attachment document from its parent knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id from which an attachment is to be unrelated.
attachmentId - Attachment Id which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
Id: 153
Relates/associates an existing Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified) to the specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id to which an attachment is to be related.
configurationItemId - Configuration Item Id which must be related to the knowledge article.
configurationItemIdentifier - Configuration Item Identifier which must be related to the knowledge article.
Id: 154
Unrelates or removes the relationship for a Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified) from its parent knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id to which an attachment is to be unrelated.
configurationItemId - Configuration Item Id which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
configurationItemIdentifier - Configuration Item Identifier which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
Id: 155
Relates/associates an existing Categorization (Class-Category-Type-Item) identified by either the CCTI ID or Class-Category-Type-Item combination (CCTI ID will take precedence over Class-Category-Type-Item combination, if both are specified) to the specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id to which an attachment is to be related.
categorizationId - Categorization Id which must be related to the knowledge article.
categorizationClass - Categorization Class which must be related to the knowledge article.
categorizationCategory - Categorization Category which must be related to the knowledge article.
categorizationType - Categorization Type which must be related to the knowledge article.
categorizationItem - Categorization Item which must be related to the knowledge article.
Id: 156
Unrelates or removes the relationship for a Categorization (Class-Category-Type-Item) identified by either the CCTI ID or Class-Category-Type-Item combination (CCTI ID will take precedence over Class-Category-Type-Item combination, if both are specified) from its parent knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id to which an attachment is to be unrelated.
categorizationId - Categorization Id which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
categorizationClass - Categorization Class which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
categorizationCategory - Categorization Category which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
categorizationType - Categorization Type which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
categorizationItem - Categorization Item which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
Id: 157
Relates/associates an existing Organization identified by either the Row ID or Organization-Site-Location combination (Organization ID will take precedence over Organization-Site-Location combination, if both are specified) to the specified knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id to which an attachment is to be related.
organizationId - Organization Id which must be related to the knowledge article.
organization - Organization which must be related to the knowledge article.
site - Site which must be related to the knowledge article.
location - Location which must be related to the knowledge article.
Id: 158
Unrelates or removes the relationship for an Organization identified by either the Organization ID or Organization-Site-Location combination (Organization ID will take precedence over Organization-Site-Location combination, if both are specified) from its parent knowledge article.
Input Parameters
knowledgeArticleId - Knowledge Article Id to which an attachment is to be unrelated.
organizationId - Organization Id which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
organization - Organization which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
site - Site which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
location - Location which must be unrelated from the knowledge article.
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