Communication Web-services
Mandatory input for each operation
- Credentials - Web Service Client User authentication credentials
- extendedSettings - Extended Settings such as response format.
Each Operation returns
- DefaultServiceResponse JavaBean container which stores the specific bean response for Web Services operation
* While creating an entity, values for fields such as Row ID (Unique system generated), Entity ID (System generated )should not be entered as input parameter values.
* While updating an entity, values for fields that already contain a Read only value should not be entered as input parameter values.
Id: 27
Returns an excerpt pertaining to the specified the communication.
Input Parameters
communicationId - Communication Id for which details should be fetched
Message, Status, Reply To, Reply To Display Name, BCC, CC, Send To, Subject, Log, Direction, Communication Type, Notification ID, Row ID
Id: 28
Returns the list of all the communications matching the specified search criteria.
Input Parameters
searchText - String to match the Send To, Subject, User etc.
Direction, Type, Status, Send To, Subject, Created By, Created Date, Related to Form, Locale
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