Ejemplo de cliente de llamada Insert
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Ejemplo de cliente de llamada Insert

A continuación, se muestra un ejemplo de un programa de cliente de Axis que convoca la operación listServiceRequest para crear/registrar un nuevo ticket de solicitud de servicio con los detalles proporcionados.                

public class ServiceRequestClient

public void main (

String [] args)

         // Create the request
         ServiceRequestStub                        srqStub     = 

new ServiceRequestStub();
         ServiceRequestStub.Credentials            credentials = 

new ServiceRequestStub.Credentials();
         ServiceRequestStub.ExtendedSettings       extParams   = 

new ServiceRequestStub.ExtendedSettings();
         ServiceRequestStub.ServiceRequest         srqBean     = 

new ServiceRequestStub.ServiceRequest();

         // Initialize Credentials (User Name & User Password / Authorization Token & Slice Token)
         credentials.setUserName (

         credentials.setUserPassword (


         // Initialize Extended Settings such as Response Format (XML, JSON)
         extParams.setResponseFormat (


         // Initialize Service Request Bean with neccessary details
         srqBean.setRequester_name (

"Admin, InteQ");
         srqBean.setTicket_description (

"Ticket creation via webservice# " + 

new Date());

         // Invoke the INSERT service
         ServiceRequestStub.DefaultServiceResponse serviceResponse = srqStub.logServiceRequest (credentials, extParams, srqBean);

         // Inspect successful execution of service and retrieve the response text

if (serviceResponse.getResponseStatus ().equals (



"JSON Response : " + serviceResponse.getResponseText ());  
         // Retrieve the status code, status message and error messages, in 

case of failures



"Status Code : " + serviceResponse.getStatusCode ());


"Status Message : " + serviceResponse.getStatusMessage ());


"Errors : " + Arrays.asList (serviceResponse.getErrors ()).toString ());

catch (Exception e) 

System.out.println (

"Exception: " + e.getMessage());

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