How to Edit an Artifact

How to Edit an Artifact

As part of Knowledge Improvement, a Curator periodically reviews the Knowledge available in the Artifacts. Luma Knowledge uses various implicit and explicit indicators to determine the changes required in Artifact, to ensure the Knowledge is always updated and relevant. Based on the end-user feedback and recommendations generated by the system, the curator can update Artifact details, Edit QnA pairs, Source document, or tweak the artifact metadata to ensure it appears on appropriate searches.

On Knowledge Store, you can:

  • Only an Artifact in the Draft state can be edited. Once checked out, Artifact is not available for End Users. The Artifact must be Published again to be available for users, even if no changes have been made.

  • An Artifact cannot be edited simultaneously by more than one curator. The artifact is locked once it is checked out of Edit, to prohibit others from editing. The lock is released once the changes are saved.

  • Luma Knowledge creates a new artifact version when the artifact is updated and Published. You can also create minor versions to track every artifact edit. set Tenant configuration is → Create artifact minor version flag to True to create minor versions of the Artifact on every edit.

Edit Artifact Details:

Artifact details such as Artifact Name, Summary, Domain, version are used to identify the artifact in Luma Knowledge. The fields are used to locate the artifacts in Knowledge Graph and identify metadata that are used to search for the artifact.

Follow the below steps to Edit Artifact details:

  1. Navigate to the Knowledge store and locate the Knowledge artifact.

  2. Click on the Artifact quick view, click on the Artifact ID to navigate to the Artifact details screen.

  3. If the Artifact is Published or Retired, select Checkout in the options menu. The Artifact is moved to the Draft state and opens in Edit mode. If the Artifact is already in Draft state, skip the step.

  4. Click on Edit to edit Artifact details.

  5. Update the Artifact Name and Summary, as required.

  6. If the Artifact is created using a document, (Artifact Source type is ‘document’), click on Change Source to update the source file. For other source types (Web URL or Template), the Change Source button is disabled.

  7. Click on Save changes. Click on Confirm on the confirmation message.

The artifact details are updated. New metadata is identified with the updated summary. QnA pairs are updated based on the new source document. Luma Knowledge creates new QnA pairs and removes the Obsolete QnA pairs. QnA pairs manually created or updated by the curator are retained. If Tenant configuration is set to create minor versions, i.e. Create artifact minor version flag is set to True, a minor version of the Artifact is created.

Update Metadata

Artifact metadata is used to classify and locate Knowledge artifacts. Luma Knowledge generates metadata ontology from the Summary added to the Artifact. The metadata is used to find and present the most suitable Knowledge Artifacts for the user inquiries, instead of the hundreds of responses with matching information. If the artifact does not appear in the relevant user searches, the curator can tweak the metadata. Once updated appropriately, the artifact starts appearing in the search results.

Follow the below steps to update the metadata of an Artifact in the Draft state:

  1. Navigate to the Knowledge store and locate the Knowledge artifact.

  2. Click on the Artifact quick view, click on the Artifact ID to navigate to the Artifact details screen.

  3. If the Artifact is Published or Retired, select Checkout in the options menu. The Artifact is moved to the Draft state and opens in Edit mode. If the Artifact is already in Draft state, skip the step.

  4. Navigate to the Metadata section. Click on Edit to update the metadata.

  5. You can update the metadata:

    1. To update Topics, click on the Topic dropdown. Search and select the required topic from the existing topics available in the Knowledge Graph or click on Create to create a new Topic. Select the Parent topic, add new Topic details and click Create. The Topic is created in Knowledge Graph and the Artifact is linked to the Topic.

    2. For Action, Subjects, Motivations, and Key values update metadata phrases. Add new phrases or remove the data as required.

    3. Click on Save Changes.

  • Updates to the Topic also change the Artifact’s hierarchy in the Knowledge Graph.

Add QnA pair

Luma Knowledge generates QnA pairs for the artifacts created using Documents and WebURLs. The QnA pairs are independent artifacts that are used to provide end-user-specific Knowledge for their queries.

You may add new QnA pairs to the Artifact in Draft state.

  1. Navigate to the Knowledge store and open the Knowledge artifact in Edit mode.

  2. Scroll to the Question and Answer Pairs section and click on the Add Q&A Pair button.

  3. Add the new Question and Answer.

  4. Click on Add Q&A Pair.

QnA pair is added to the Artifact. Luma Knowledge generates metadata for the new Q&A pair and it starts appearing in the Q&A pair list.

Edit a QnA Pair

You can update the contents and metadata of an existing QnA pair linked to an Artifact. Follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Knowledge store and open the Knowledge artifact in Edit mode.

  2. Scroll to the Question and Answer Pairs section and click on the Edit button.

  3. You may now update the Question, Answer, or the metadata fields- Topic, Action, Subjects, Motivation, and Key Values. 

  4. Update data as required and click on Save Changes.

QnA pairs always inherit Topic from the Parent Artifact. Any change to the Parent Artifact’s Topic automatically replicates to related QnA pairs.

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