Approve Knowledge Base Articles

Approve Knowledge Base Articles

This article contains the following topics:

A Knowledge Base (KB) article must go through an approval process before getting published. An analyst can author a KB article and submit for approval. During the approval process, the reviewers review and the approvers approve the KB article. After approval, the KB article is published and made available to the users who are authorized to view that article.

As an administrator, you can set up the KB article approval process and can add reviewer and approval groups to participate in the process. The reviewer groups review and suggest any changes to the article. The approval groups can consider the comments and suggestions that the reviewers propose before approving the KB article.                                               

Reviewers cannot approve the KB article.

Administrators configure the permissions to add or remove approvers or reviewers from an approval group that gets associated with the KB article. An approval group is associated with the KB article based on the matching criteria.

Approve Knowledge Base Article

As an approver, approve the KB article to make it available for the users to read. You can approve or reject the KB article after analyzing the article.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click WORKSPACES> SERVICE DESK> Outstanding Items.
    The pending KB article approval requests are listed in the Article Approvals section.
  2. To view the details of KB article, click the article ID.
    Note: An article is visible only to the users who have the permission to view the article.
  3. To view comments from the other approvers and reviewers, click Decisions.
  4. Click the  icon to expand the article and approve it.
  5. To approve the KB article, enter comments and click Approve.
  6. To request more information, specify your requirements in the Comments field and click Need More Info.
    Note: When you request for more information, your comment is added to the comments log. The request stays in your Outstanding Items list until you approve or reject it.

Some KB articles have multiple approvers, but the approval of only one approver is sufficient to approve. When the KB article is approved, the approval request moves out of the Outstanding Items list. For more information, see Create and Manage Knowledge Base Article Approval Groups.

Review an Article

As a reviewer, you can provide feedback and suggestions to improve the quality of the KB article. If you are designated as a reviewer for an article, you can view the request in your Outstanding Items.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click WORKSPACES> SERVICE DESK> Outstanding Items.
    The pending KB article review requests are listed in the Article Reviews section.
  2. To view the details of KB article, click the article ID.
    Note: An article is visible only to the users who have the permission to view the article.
  3. To view comments from the other approvers and reviewers, click Decisions.
  4. Click the  icon to expand the article and to add comments.
  5. Enter your review feedback in the Comments field and click Submit.
  6. To request more information, specify your requirements in the Comments field and click Need More Info.
    Note: When you request for more information, your comment is added to the comments log. The request stays in your Outstanding Items list until the KB article is approved.

Specify Knowledge Base Article Expiration Dates

The administrator can set the KB article expiration dates. The KB article expires when it reaches the specified expiration date. By default, the KB article expires in 180 days. The expired article can be resubmitted for approval by the authorized stakeholders.

Note: Only the Administrator can set a KB article status to Approved after the article  expires.

When the KB article expires in the approval phase, the Decisions changes to Withdrawn and the State changes to Expired. The KB article owner, KB analyst,  KB administrator, or the administrator can edit the article to update the expiration date.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click WORKSPACES> SERVICE DESK> Knowledge Management.
  2. Click the Search tab and select the State as Expired.
  3. Open the article that you want to  update, click Actions, Edit Article .
  4. Update Expires On date.
  5. Save your changes.

For KB articles to expire automatically on a given date, create a SQL Executor - ESD job trigger. The job trigger executes regularly and checks for the expiry date. For example, create a job trigger to execute every 12 hours.

  • Cron Expression - 0 0 12 * * ?
  • SQL Statement -  EXEC P_EXPIRE_KB_ARTICLES ${slice} 

To create a job trigger, see Create and Manage Job Triggers

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