Tenant Subscription Information

Tenant Subscription Information

Tenant Subscription information helps the Tenant administrators to know the details about allocated licenses, consumption, and purchase history for Tenant Administrator.

To view the Tenant Subscription information from the Tenant login, go to the Tenant Settings page & click on the Subscription tab.


Below are the details available in the section:







License Type

License Type

Subscription Model (User-Based Licensing or Session-Based Licensing) applicable to the Tenant.


Start Date

Displays the contract start date of the subscription.

End Date

Displays the contract end date of the subscription.

Contact Details

Technical Email

Email addresses of the technical contacts who manage the tenant. Multiple email addresses can be added. You can edit the information if required Alerts will be sent to these Email IDs when usage/session consumption reaches Threshold limits

Billing Email

Email addresses of the billing contacts who manage the tenant subscriptions. Multiple email addresses can be added. You can edit the information if required. Alerts will be sent to these Email IDs when usage/session consumption reaches Threshold limits

License Consumption Summary

Total Purchase

The number of User/Session licenses allocated to the Tenant.


Number of User/Session licenses used to date


Number of remaining or available User/Session licenses for use

Edit Subscription Details:

As Tenant Admin, you can update Technical and Billing email IDs in Subscription details by following the below steps:

  1. Click on Edit.

  2. Add or remove email addresses in the Technical Email and Billing Email fields.

  3. Click Save to update changes.

  • Licensing information is managed by Super Admin. To Purchase Licenses or Contract renewal, contact your Super Admin or Serviceaide support team.

License Transaction History

This screen provides a detailed view of your Tenant's License Consumption. You can view the Licenses consumed to date, consumption history, and User Conversations as part of the License. All this information gives the Tenant Administrator transparency into their usage of Luma.

Click the History button on the License Consumption Summary-->Consumed field to view License Consumption History.

View License Consumption History

For User-Based Licensing:

Below information is available in License consumption History.





User ID

Luma internal identifier to represent the user to whom the license is allocated

User Name

Username of the Registered user in Luma who has consumed the license seat


User’s Email id as registered in Luma

First Name

User’s First name

Last Name

User’s Last name


User’s role as assigned in Luma


Current License consumption status.

  • Active when the user is registered and License is assigned

  • Inactive when the user is deactivated in Luma and License is released.

Created On

Display’s License allocation or De-allocation date


Displays Count of User’s conversations with Bot or Agent.

Click on the count to redirect to Conversation History and view Conversation details.

For Session-Based Licensing:

The below information is available in the License consumption History. The history lists both manual purchase and auto-renewal activities.





Session ID

Internal unique identifier for Session in Luma.

Started On

Session Start Date and time

Initiated By

Indicates if the session was initiated by End User or Agent.

User Name

Username of the User or Agent who initiated the Session. 


The email address of the User or Agent who initiated the Session. 


Role of the User or Agent who initiated the Session. 

Agent Name

Username of the Agent if a conversation with Agent was initiated during the Session. 


Chat channel used to initiate the session. For example, MS Teams, Skype for Business, Web Widget, Slack, etc.


Displays Count of User’s conversations with Bot or Agent during the session.

Click on the count to redirect to Conversation History and view Conversation details.

  • Each Session Duration indicates the time for one Session duration allocated for your tenant.

  • Consumption Count indicates the number of Sessions utilized or User Licenses allocated to date for your tenant.

Download License Consumption Report

You can also download the License Consumption history data for your tenant. This report provides a complete breakdown of the license consumption and helps you to identify the conversations executed using the consumed license.

To download the transaction history log, Click on the Download button.

Click on Ok on the confirmation prompt to download the License Consumption information available on the screen. Click Cancel to cancel the download.

On clicking Yes, all the information on the screen will be exported into a CSV file and downloaded onto your local machine.

License Purchase History

As a tenant administrator, you can view your tenant's license purchase history. The addition or removal of Licenses is referred to as Refill and is done by Superadmin based on the Tenant Administrator’s request.

License Purchase History displays the list of refills done by the Super Administrator. for the Tenant to date.





Refill Date

Displays the date when the User/Session licenses were allocated or deallocated.

+/- Licenses

The number of User/Session licenses refilled.

Total Licenses

Total number of allocated User/Session licenses for the tenant after Refill

Once the License consumption reaches 75%, 85%, 95%, and 100% an email will be sent to the Tenant Administrator

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