Luma Licensing Models

Luma Licensing Models


Licensing is an agreement between Serviceaide (herein referred to as Licensor) and Customer (referred to as Licensee) which provides authorization to use Serviceaide’s Intellectual Property software, Luma.

This article describes Subscription/Licensing models that are available in Luma. The article helps you understand the available licensing options, how to view your current subscribed plan/licensing information, consumption summary, and logs. All this information provides the Administrator transparency into their usage of Luma.

Luma can be deployed on Serviceaide’s  Cloud as a SaaS offering, or Customers can choose to deploy on their own premise (On-Premise).

Licensing Models

Luma provides two Licensing models to help the Customers have flexible licensing options to choose a model based on their business needs.

  1. User-Based Licensing

  2. Sessions Based Licensing

Customers must opt for user- or session-based licensing while providing the tenant with services. Please note that changing the licensing type is prohibited once the tenant is provisioned.

User-Based Licensing

In this model, the Customer buys the licenses for the maximum number of users they will need during the contract period.


  • Simple to estimate and easy to understand

  • It works better for internal organizations. It does not support anonymous users.

  • “All you can eat” approach. Use as many skills, sessions, notifications as you need.

A license is consumed when a user is created in the Luma platform. When a new user is created in Luma, the Purchased User License count gets decremented by one. The Licensing will be consumed once the user is added to Luma. In the User-based licensing model, the users have no restrictions on the number of conversations with the bot or support agents. Whenever a user status is set to ‘Inactive,’ one License gets freed up, and the available License count increments by 1.

The super administrator can update licenses by adding and reducing them.

For example, if a Customer purchases Licenses for 100 Users, Luma application will allow to create upto 100 users and then restricts further registrations. In case, they want to further create another user, one of the active user status needs to be set to inactive and then create the new user.

Sessions Based Licensing

A session is a pre-defined time interval that allows the end-users of the Luma System to converse with Bot and Support agents. In this model, customers can purchase a fixed number of monthly sessions based on their needs. The sessions are credited every month.


  • Session duration is usually set by Superadmin as part of the customer onboarding process.

  • Ideal for Organisations with B2C and MSP models.

  • Unlimited users and anonymous users​ can be created.

  • Conversations from the Test Widget are not considered for calculating the Sessions consumption.

The Session duration starts when the bot receives the first message from the end user or Support Agent. One session will be consumed when the end-user initiates a conversation with the Luma Agent or Support Agent. A new session is started only when the duration is complete, and the end-user or Support Agent triggers a new message.

For each session consumption, the License Availability count for the session will be decremented by 1. Please note that executing a skill in the Test Widget does not consume the Session License.

Session calculation Rules:

  1. A session is consumed when an End-User/Support Agent initiates a conversation.

  2. Users can have multiple conversations with Luma or Agent during a Session.

  3. If multiple channels are used simultaneously, the time spent in each channel will be considered separately to determine the consumed sessions.

  4. There is no restriction on the number of skills executed during a session.

  5. There are no restrictions on the number of users registered for the Tenant.

  6. The next session is consumed during an ongoing conversation when the User or Agent responds after completing the current session time.

  7. Conversations initiated by the Bot are not considered for session calculation. However, the user’s response to a notification or a Follow-up (bot-initiated) trigger is counted for session calculation.

  8. Luma initiates automated workflows like Follow-ups, Notifications, and Email actions. As these are bot-initiated conversations, they are not considered for session calculation.

  9. The account is replenished with sessions every month.

Let us use a few examples to better understand the Session-based licensing model.

Example 1:

Session time: 15 minutes

The user converses with Luma for 4 minutes; one session is consumed.

Example 2:

Session time: 15 minutes

The user converses with Luma for 24 minutes; two sessions are consumed.


Example 3:

Session time: 15 minutes

The user converses with Luma for a total of 35 minutes. The first session is consumed at 0th min when the conversation is initiated. After the session end (at the 15th min), the user didn’t respond, and the bot only sends the messages. The next session is consumed at the 20th minute when the User responds.

Two sessions are consumed during the conversation.

Example 4:

Session time: 15 minutes

This is an example of Transfer to Agent. The user converses with Luma and Agent for a total of 35 minutes. The first session is consumed at 0th min when the conversation is initiated. In this session, the User interacts with Luma from 0 to 10th min. At 12th min, Transfer to Agent is initiated, and Agent starts the conversation at 14th min. After the end of the first session(at the 15th min), though the conversation is in progress, the next session is consumed at the 20th minute when the User responds.

Two sessions are consumed during the conversation.


License Management

The Luma platform ensures that the Customer license is tracked and enforced so that Luma usage is as per the Licensing and restricted beyond the purchased limit.

License File

Once the customer signs the contract with Serviceaide to purchase Luma Licenses, a License file will be generated. The License file consists of Licensing information., License availability.

A License File is needed only for On-premise customers or MSP customers who own/maintain a Luma environment. For SAAS customers (managed by Serviceaide), the License File will be generated by the Serviceaide Ops team.

Please refer to Tenant Provisioning for more details.

Licensing information

The allocated license is valid for the defined time interval. The Start Date and End dates capture these License Contract periods.

  • License Start Date

  • License End Date

  • Accounting Email

License availability

Here, we define the subscription type and purchased Licenses. For customers using the MSP model, Tenant provisioning and License distribution are governed by the information available in this section.

  • License type (User-based/Session-based)

  • Maximum Number of Licenses

  • No of tenants

  • Unique information that locks the key to the instance (Secret Key)

Luma Licenses are time-bound. License or contract validity is defined when the license file is generated. A user cannot interact with Luma once the contract is expired.

License File distribution

To purchase a new License or Renew the existing License, contact Serviceaide’s Account Manager.

  • On-Premise Customers

A License file will be generated based on the contract terms if you are an On-Premise Customer. This License file should be installed on your Luma system.

Refer to the article on Licensing for more details on installing the License.

  • SaaS Customers

For SaaS Customers, Luma is deployed and maintained on Serviceaide’s Cloud infrastructure. The Super Administrator will manage the allocation of Licenses for your tenant. Contact the Serviceaide support team for further details.

License monitoring and Alerts

The usage of the Luma application will be monitored.  Three levels of Usage thresholds are configured to monitor and send the alerts. Email notifications will be sent to the technical contact email ID, and the billing contact email ID will be configured during the tenant provisioning.

Once the license consumption reaches 75%, 85%, 95%, and 100% usage, an email will be sent to the email addresses provided in the technical email, billing email, and serviceaide accounting email to notify them of the license renewal. 

The super administrator needs to provide billing contact details while providing the tenant.

Tenant Administrator can provide ‘Technical Contact Details’ and update ‘Billing Contact Details’ after logging into the Luma application.

Refer to Tenant Subscription Information for more information.

License Enforcement

The purchased Luma license expires when any of the following conditions are met.

  1. Reached the Contract End date

  2. All the purchased, licensed Users or Sessions are consumed.

License Renewal is not automatic, and notification is sent in advance to the configured email ids before the license expires. Customers must contact the Serviceaide support/sales team for renewing or procuring additional licenses. The Super Administrator will allocate and manage licenses. Refer to Tenant Provisioning for more information.

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