Agent Chat Dashboard

Agent Chat Dashboard

The Agent Chat Dashboard provides the Administrators with real-time Insights related to the performance of Support Agents Groups. It provides details about the Live and Historical conversation. The Live metrics give details on the current status of the Support Agents (In Chat or Idle) and the users' current status. The Historical metrics shares details about the chats accepted by the Support Agent, chats that were unaccepted by the Support Agent, and the chats that did not reach the Agent Chat Console, and Average Wait & Chat Time. These metrics help the administrator understand and monitor the current usage and understand the metrics related to current and historical chat conversations between support agent groups and users.

To access the Agent Chat Dashboard, click on Support Agent on the Main menu and navigate to Agent Chat Dashboard.

Live Metrics

The Live Metrics section focuses on the Status of the logged-in Support Agents and details of the User requests received for the Support groups. Metrics are divided into

Support Agents, User Requests.

  • You can select the desired Group from the drop-down list. The metrics information available on the Dashboard is calculated based on the selected Support Group. By default, Group is set to All, which gives cumulative data of all the groups put together. You may select the Support group for which you would like to see the metrics.

  • Conversations from the Test Widget are not considered for calculating the metrics.

Support Agents

This segment provides Live information related to the Support Agents for the selected or All groups.

Online Agents indicates the number of Support Agents who are currently logged in to Agent Chat Console to accept and address user requests.
In Chat indicates the number of Support Agents currently in conversation with the end-users.

User Requests

This segment provides Live information on the incoming User Requests for the selected or All groups.

Waiting indicates the number of User Requests in the Waiting queue, awaiting assistance from the Support Agents.
Ongoing indicates the number of User Requests that are in the Ongoing queue, accepted, and in conversation with the Support Agents.

Last Refreshed on indicates the time at which the metrics data is calculated and updated in the Dashboard. You may set ‘Auto Refresh every’ to automatically refresh the metrics at predefined intervals. It is set to 5 minutes, by default. You may click on the refresh icon to view the metrics to reflect the most recent information.

Historical Metrics

The Historical Metrics focuses and displays consolidated data of the past information that had happened in the selected time frame for the selected group.

Following are the metrics available in the section:

  • Total User Requests

  • Average Wait Time

  • Average Chat Time

  • Agent Accepted Chats

  • Agents Unaccepted Chats

  • Unattended Transfer to Agent Requests

You may select the Date Range and Support Group for viewing the Metrics. View metrics for predefined ranges like Last 24 Hour, Today So Far, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, etc., or select Custom to view information between specific dates. Select “Since Inception“ to view metrics since the deployment of the Virtual Agent inside your organization. The metrics are recalculated based on selection and are presented on the Dashboard.

By default, the Date range is set to Last 30 days, and the Group is set to All.

Unique User Requests

It represents the total number of unique User Requests received for the Support Agent's assistance for the selected date range and Support Group. In case the request is retransferred, it will not be counted here.

Average Wait Time

It represents the average wait time for the user requests to be accepted by the Support Agents, i.e., the time taken between the end-user requesting assistance from a selected support group and when the Support Agent accepted the request. It is calculated as the Total Wait time / Total number of user requests for the selected supported group in the specified time frame.

Average Chat Time

It represents the average conversation time between the end-user and the Support Agent. It is calculated as Total Conversation time / Total number of user requests for the selected supported group in the specified time frame.

Agent Accepted Chats

This segment provides details of the chats that have been accepted by the Support Agents of the selected Support Group during the selected date range.

  • Total Accepted Chats indicates the total number of the User Requests accepted by the Support Agents.

  • Support Agent Ended Chat indicates the number of chats ended by the Support Agent after it was accepted.

  • Support Agent Idle Timeout indicates the number of chats that ended due to Support Agent inactivity.

  • End-User Idle Timeout indicates the number of chats that ended due to user inactivity.

  • End-User Aborted Chat indicates the number of chats aborted by the user during the conversation with the Support Agent.

Agent Unaccepted Chats

This segment provides details of the chats that were not accepted by the Support Agents and that are in the waiting queue for the selected Support Group between the selected date range.

  • Total Unaccepted Chats indicates the total number of chats that were not accepted by the Support Agent.

  • Chat Request Timed Out indicates the number of user requests that were not accepted/attended by the Support Agents due to the Critical Waiting timeout interval.

  • End-User Aborted Request indicates the number of user requests aborted by the users before the Support Agent could accept the request.

Unattended Transfer to Agent Requests

This segment provides details on unattended user requests by the Support Agents either due to out of business hours or unavailability of Agents in Support Groups.

  • Total Unattended Requests indicate the total number of Agent Transfer requests which were unattended by the Support Agents.

  • Due to Groups Out of Business Hours indicates the number of unattended user requests because the Support Group was out of business hours.

  • Due to unavailability of Agents indicates the number of user requests which were unattended because the Support Agents were unavailable in the selected Support Group.

Download Reports

You can view and download the metrics information generated for every segment on the Agent Chat Dashboard. This allows you to get in-depth details on how the metrics were calculated. You can get a report on Support Agents details by clicking the download button under the Support Agents section.

Click on the download button on the segment to download the report.

Click OK to proceed with downloading the report.

The information will be downloaded into a .xlsx file, which can be saved in your local system.

The following are the reports that can be downloaded from the dashboard for the selected Groups and date range: Total User Requests.

  • Total user requests: Historical Report with information on the unique user requests raised for the Support Agent help.

  • Agent Accepted Chats: Historical Report with information on the user requests accepted by the Support Agents.

  • Agent Unaccepted Chats: Historical Report with information on the user requests Chats not accepted by the Support Agents.

  • Unattended Transfer to Agent Requests: Historical Report with information on unanswered user requests due to Non Business hours of the support group or unavailability of Support Agents.

  • Support Agents: Live Metrics Report with details on the current Logged in Support Agents.

  • User Requests: Live Metrics Report with details on the User Requests currently in the Support Group queue.

For more information on how Agent Chat Console works, please refer to Agent Chat Console

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