Configure Email Integrations
Email is a simple and fast way to integrate with many other systems. Luma Virtual Agent allows Skill/Developers to use Emails to send information and notifications to the end-users. Using Emails, you can do the following:
Send information or notifications to Luma users or external email addresses.
Extend integration to other systems with email instead of an API
Connect to ITSM and CRM systems by sending rich text email
Ensure a single outbound Luma email address
Create multiple templates to support integrations with many external systems
Luma Virtual Agent uses Email Connector Integration to send emails to end-users as part of Skills or workflow execution. An Administrator can configure your organization’s email server in Luma Virtual Agent and trigger emails from a specific email address. You can create multiple Email templates to standardize outbound communications send as part of skill execution.
Luma VA supports multiple Mail server instances for a tenant. This enables the Skill developers to use the mail server and email address configurations as required.
Email Integration requires the following steps:
Configure Email Server
An Administrator can configure email server instances that are used to trigger emails from your bot. Once the email server is configured, customized emails can be sent from a specific inbox to a specific email address for skill fulfillment. Only one email server can be created for a Tenant.
To create an email server, follow the below steps:
Navigate to Tenant → Integrations and select Email Connector App. The Email App is available Out-of-the-box. Email server instances are created under the App.
On the Instance tab, click on Create Instance.
The Instance details screen is now open. An instance represents your Email or SMTP server.
Add Instance Name and Description.
Click Next to redirect to the Email Server section.
On the Email Server section, Add the Host Name. This is the internet name of the server. Ex.:
Enter the Username. Some email providers may require your full email address as your user name.
Enter the account Password you use to sign in to your email account.
Note: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm encryption is used to ensure that the password is stored in clear text, and not misused.Add Default From Address from which the email should be triggered.
Add Default From Display Name that's should be displayed as Sender’s name.
Enter the Default Reply to Address. This is the email address to which the user's response should be sent.
Add Default Reply to Display Name that should be displayed when the user responds to the email from Luma.
Enter the Port Number to be used by the outgoing mail server. This port number helps to upload emails onto a server and then relay them to other mail servers.
Enter the Redirect Email Address. In case the outgoing email address blocks the email from Luma, the email is sent to the specified in Redirect Email Address. This enables the end-users to monitor the blocked emails and take appropriate action.
Set the Block Outgoing Email. Select Yes to block the outgoing emails, and No to allow the outgoing emails. Set Block Outgoing Email to Yes to disable any emails being sent out of Luma. This is useful while testing the Email Notification feature. You may also use the Redirect Email ID to verify whether the email server configuration.
Choose the SMTP Encryption protocol required. Encryption Protocol helps to transfer emails on a server securely and protect service providers from email fraud attempts. The Port Number is dependent on the selected Security Protocol.
Click Save to configure the email server, else click Cancel to discard the process.
The Default Reply to Address field is used when you want the user replies to be received on a different email address instead of the sender's email address. You can either leave this field blank, in this case, the sender's email address appears when the user clicks Reply. Alternatively, if you include an email address in this field, then the user replies are sent to the email address specified in the Default Reply to Address field, instead of the sender's email address.
Once the email server is created, click Validate to validate whether the mail server configuration. This opens the Validate Configuration pop-up. Add a receiver email address in the ‘To’ field and click on Validate to send a test email and verify the configuration.
You can configure multiple Email servers for your tenant. Select one of the instances as the Default instance. To do so, follow the below steps:
Click on Edit for the Email Connector App.
On the App details page, click Edit.
On the Default Instance field, select the Mail server instance that should be used as the default instance to send email through your Bot. You may also use another instance in the skill.
Click Update to save the changes.
Once the email server is created, you can create email templates.
Create Email Templates
Once the Email server is configured, Administrators can Email templates. This helps to define a standardized HTML look and feel for emails sent from Luma VA.
Luma supports multiple email templates that can be used as per the skill. This reduces the effort in drafting Emails for every skill. These templates are reusable can be added to multiple skills. To create an email template in Luma Virtual Agent, follow the below steps:
Navigate to the Email Templates tab.
Click on Create Template.
On the Email Template Details page, add the template details. Here you can define the email format for the email to be sent as part of a skill.
Provide the template name in the Name field.
Add the valid email address in To, CC, and BCC fields. The addresses added to the fields will be available for template by default. These can be updated as required in the skill.
Now add the Subject for the email to be sent using the Email Template.
Use the Editor to draft the Message body for the email.
To attach a file to the email, in Attachment Mapping:
Click on Add.
Add the file name.
File attribute that holds the attachment file.
Click Save to save the template, else click Cancel to discard the process.
You can create one or more templates and use these as required in skill.
Sending Emails through Skills
Once the Email server and Email templates are ready, you can use these in your skill to send notifications to users or use email to integrate with another system. While creating a skill, Administrators and Skill Developers can use a specific email template to trigger an email as part of a skill. For more information on creating skills, refer to Create Skills.
Email connector can be added to a skill’s conversation flow, which allows Luma to send the configured email when the skill is triggered. To add Email to your skill, follow the below steps:
When building the Skill conversation steps, select Invoke Integration from the conversation items.
Select Email as Connected App and your Default instance.
You can now select the Email template to be used for the email. Select the required template in the Email Templates field.
Based on the selected template, the email template details are populated. You can use the same template or click on Customize to update the template.
These changes to the email template are local to the Skill. The global copy of the template is not updated.You can also create a new Email Template specifically for the skill. Add a new Template Name and populate the email template details as shown below.
Make the required updates to the skill and click Create to finish building the skill.
Following is a sample skill execution to trigger Approval notification to the end-user.
Once the Skill is executed, the configured email is triggered to the intended recipient.
Troubleshooting Tips for Emails
Following are some of the common issues that may appear when using Email in skills:
If you use HTML in the email message body, ensure that your HTML is properly formatted including tags are closed as shown below.
There may be instances where the configured mail server may not recognize the sender's email address, and hence the email may land in the 'Junk Email' or 'Spam' folder. Check your email server settings to resolve this issue.
If the Host Name and Port Number details are not provided correctly, or if the outgoing emails are blocked for the configured mail server, then the emails may not be received by the recipients.
Ensure that the mail server is configured and validated before using the same in a skill.
Ensure that correct email addresses are configured in the mail server instance and in the skills. An incorrect email address may lead to failed emails.
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