Using Bulk Import

Using Bulk Import

This section helps you understand how bulk imports work. Read the following pages for instructions on using the bulk import worksheets and templates.

Manage User and Organization Data through Bulk Imports   

You can bulk process the user and organization data in Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management. This method is faster and more efficient than creating individual users and organizations. For more information see, Manage User and Organization Data through Bulk Imports.

Bulk Import Assets, Models, Software, and IP Ranges

You can populate your asset repository using the discovery process or using the bulk process data functionality. As an administrator you can create or update objects such as assets and models by using the bulk process operations. While bulk processing assets and models, the reconciliation process matches the discovered asset data that are stored in the asset repository. If any changes are detected, the bulk process operation updates the assets instead of creating new assets in the repository. You can use the bulk process feature to import or update the following entities:

  • Assets
  • Models
  • IP Address
  • Installed Software

For more information, see Bulk Import Assets, Models, Software, and IP Ranges.

Bulk Process Data

You can use the bulk process feature to manage organization, users, and assets. You can also manage support groups, roles, categorization, Configuration Items (CI), CI-related contacts, and language catalog records. For more information, see Bulk Process Data.

Bulk Process Templates and Worksheets

Intelligent Service Management supports bulk process templates such as organization worksheet, support groups worksheet, and contact persons worksheet. The template for organization and users and the template for Intelligent Service Management specific data are also available. For more information, see Use Bulk Process Templates and Worksheets.

Bulk Process Error Messages

The bulk process error messages are displayed when an error occurs during bulk upload process. For more information, see Bulk Process Error Messages.

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