Manage User and Organization Data through Bulk Imports

Manage User and Organization Data through Bulk Imports

You can perform the following operations through a bulk import data file:

  • Add and delete users and organizations.
  • Assign support groups to users.
  • Update data for the other fields that are related to the users.

To prepare your data file (spreadsheet), use the Microsoft Excel template provided with the application. The data file defines the additions, changes, and deletions to make to your user and organization data. The template is provided as a standalone file. To download the template:

  1. Navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Bulk Process Data.
  2. Select the template named XLS Template for Bulk Upload of Cloud ITSM Entities.
  3. Click Download.

The Excel file includes the following worksheets:

  1. Organizations – This worksheet defines the structure of the organization and child organizations.             
  2. Contact Persons – This worksheet defines the users of the application.

The same template is used for all three operations (add, update, and delete).

The maximum size limit for a bulk import file is 10 MB.

Bulk processing includes the following tasks:

  1. Understand the Bulk Import Operations
  2. Prepare the Excel Data File
  3. Import Users from an Excel File

Understand the Bulk Import Operations

Bulk import provides two kinds of operations: add or update, and delete.

Note: Verify whether the delete operation is configured for your organization.

  • Add/Update: For the add/update operation, records are processed as follows:
    • Records that do not exist in the UI are added.
    • Records that exist are updated in the UI with the information provided in the Excel data file. The blank fields remain unchanged.

    Restrictions are applicable to the fields that you can modify. For users, all fields except for the Email Address can be updated. For organizations, all fields except for the Organization and Parent Organization fields can be updated.

  • Delete: When you use the delete operation, all entities that are listed in the Excel datasheet are deleted from the UI.

    When you delete a user through bulk processing, the application removes that account entirely from the tenant organization.

    Delete all child organizations of a parent organization before you delete that parent. You can list all of the child organizations and the parent organization in the data file and then delete the hierarchy.

    Note: Verify whether the delete operation is configured for your organization.

Prepare the Excel Data File

This topic helps you prepare the Excel data file used for the bulk import of basic organization and user data.

Bulk import provides two kinds of operations: add/update and delete. The same data file template is used for both operation types. Only one operation type is performed at a time. When you prepare your Excel data file, create separate files for these two classes of operation.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Bulk Process Data.
  2. Select XLS Template for Bulk Upload of Cloud ITSM Entities and click Download.
  3. Open the Excel file template and populate it for the following operations as appropriate:
    • Add/Update - to add new users and update existing records.
    • Delete - to remove users from the UI.
  4. Add/Update:
    • Select the Organizations worksheet for entering organization data. For each organization you want to add or update, add a row and complete the fields as follows:

      Important! The bulk import function processes the Excel data rows from top to bottom. If you are creating an organization hierarchy, be sure to list the new organizations in a top-down order. That is, parent organizations must be created before their child organizations.

      • Organization Name. (Mandatory) Provide the name of the organization, which is unique within the organization hierarchy. You can use the same name for child organizations that are in different branches of the hierarchy. You can do so by using a double right arrow delimiter (">>") for the Parent Organization hierarchy. Example:
        • Organization Name: India; Parent Organization: Serviceaide
        • Organization Name: US; Parent Organization: Serviceaide
        • Organization Name: HR, Parent Organization: Serviceaide>>India
        • Organization Name: HR; Parent Organization: Serviceaide>>US

        Limits:Only the following characters are allowed: Alphanumeric, SPACE, and [_ | - | ' | ,].

      • Parent Organization. If the organization is a child organization, provide the name of the parent organization. The best practice is to provide the complete hierarchy, using the double right arrow delimiter (">>"). However, the Bulk Import process can successfully process any Organization Name / Parent Organization combination that is unique within the tenant.
    • Select the Contact Persons worksheet for entering user data. For each user you want to add or update, add a row and complete the fields as follows:
      • First Name, Last Name. These fields are required.
      • Relationship. The relationship of the user with the organization.
      • Organization Name. The organizations to which the user belongs. This field is Mandatory and the entries must be valid—the named organization must exist in the UI.
      • Client Defined System User ID. The login id of the contact person.
      • License Type. Specify the license type of the user.
        Values: Self-Service: Self-Service User, Fixed: Administrator, Floater: Analyst.
      • Enable Login. To enable or disable the login for the contact person, specify Yes or No respectively.
      • VIP User. Specify Yes to indicate that the user is a VIP user, else specify No.
      • Notification Mechanism. Specify as None, Email, or Pager.
      • Exclude from Service Feedbacks. Specify No to send the customer service satisfaction feedback requests.
      • Other fields. The remaining basic user fields are optional. You can also specify values for the time zone. If you do not specify a time zone, the default for your organization is used. The user profile is set to English by default. 
    • Save and close the Excel file.

      You are now ready to add/update user and organization data to the UI using your prepared Excel file.

  5. Delete:
    • Select the Organizations worksheet for entering organization data in a new Excel file.

      Note: You can use a copy of the template or can use an existing data file with your organization data. If you use an existing file, remove all data except for those organizations and users that you want to delete.

    • Add a row and complete the Organization and Parent Organization (if applicable) fields for each organization you want to delete. These fields are the only fields that are required for Organization delete operations.

      Important! The bulk import function processes the Excel data rows from top to bottom. When deleting organizations from an organization hierarchy, be sure to list the organizations in a bottom up order. That is, child organizations must be listed before their parent organizations.

    • Select the Contact Persons worksheet for entering user data in a new Excel file.
    • To delete a user, add a row and do one of the following steps:
      • Add Row ID column to the end of the Contact Person worksheet. Specify the id for the user you want to delete.
      • Specify only the Client Defined System User ID of the user you want to delete.
      • Specify the unique First Name and Last Name of the user you want to delete.
      • Specify only the Email Address of the user you want to delete.
    • Save and close the Excel file.
      You are now ready to delete user and organization data from the UI using your prepared Excel file.

Rules to Add Organization Name to Users/Contacts

When you provide the organization name (primary organization) for a user, always mention the hierarchy of the organization. The following rules apply when users/contacts are added using bulk import: 

  1. If there is an organization with the same name as the root level organization and only the organization name is specified, then the Contact/User is associated with the root level organization.
  2. To assign the user to a different organization, specify the hierarchical path.
    Note: If there are multiple active organizations with the same name, under same or different hierarchies, the application displays the following error: Organization Name specified in the enrollment datasheet does not exist or is ambiguous. 

Rule to Add/Modify Organization having a Parent

Ensure that the organization names under the same parent are unique.

Note: If there are multiple active organizations with the same name and the same parent name, the application gives the error “More than one organization exists with parent name specified in the enrollment data sheet.”

Accepted Time Zone and Language Values

For bulk import, you can specify the time zone and language values for the profile information of a user. To update the timezone using bulk import, use the following format:

  • (GMT +/- xx:xx) timezone. For example,(GMT-03:00) America/Sao_Paulo

If you do not use the specified format, the information is not updated on the application. For example, if you specify only America/Sao_Paulo as the timezone value in the spreadsheet, the information will not reflect on the application. For the list of supported timezone formats, see Use Bulk Process Templates and Worksheets.


It is not required to set the timezone for a user during bulk import. When a user logs into the application, the timezone of the laptop or desktop of the user is synchronized with the user account timezone value.

For the lists of time zones and languages that are supported by Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management, see Set Locations and Time Zones.

Import Users from an Excel File

As described in the Bulk Import operations, the import process offers two operations: Add/Update and Delete. This procedure covers both of these operations.


  • The Bulk Import process can be used to import more than user data. You can import organizations and other database objects. 
  • The default excel data file does not contain the following information. These fields are available in the system for users and you can manually add these fields after downloading the excel file.  
    •  Cost Center
    •  Cost Center Approver
    •  Cost Center Approval Group 

The following procedure specifies user data, but it is valid for all data types. Use a separate worksheet in the Excel data file for each data type.

Follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the Excel file for your bulk import operation.
  2. Navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Bulk Process Data.
  3. Select XLS Template for Bulk Upload of Cloud ITSM Entities.
  4. Update the Contact Persons worksheet with the required information, and save the worksheet.
  5. Click Choose File and select the saved Excel data file.
  6. Enter the required details.
  7. Select Import/Update and click Upload.
  8. When the import operation is complete, verify the results:
    1. Review the import summary table for the number of Successful and Failed records for each worksheet in your Excel data file.
    2. To see the failed records, click the record under Unprocessed Rows.
  9. To verify that the import is successful, check the organization and users.
    Note: To delete users, follow the same process, but select Delete while uploading. The records that are specified in the Excel file are deleted from the database.

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