Understand Bulk Process Error Messages

Understand Bulk Process Error Messages

This article lists the error messages that appear when a bulk process data upload encounters an issue. 



Organization Name specified in the enrollment data sheet does not exists or is ambiguous.

Configuration Items

  • Some dependent categorization fields have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Some mandatory fields for the configuration item have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory fields are filled: Class, Item Name, and Status
  • The organization profile record for <record> associated with the configuration item is not present. Also the primary organization for the user is not configured.
  • The configuration item (CI) Status <status> is invalid.
  • The contact profile record for the contact <name> having login id: <ID> associated with the configuration item is not present.
  • Incorrect Configuration Item ID# <number> specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Invalid Configuration Item ID# <number>.
  • Configuration Item bearing Identifier: <identifier> could not be deleted since there are multiple entries with the same name.
  • Invalid Configuration Item Identifier <identifier> .
  • Configuration Item bearing Name : <name> could not be deleted since there are multiple entries with the same name.
  • Invalid Configuration Item Name <name>
  • The Configuration Item record in the import set is being ignored since neither the CI_ID, CI_IDENTIFIER or CI_NAME are specified.
  • The Configuration Item record ID#<ID> cannot be deleted since it is associated with other records in the application.


  • Could not find assets for some softwares.
  • Could not find assets for software.


  • Incorrect Categorization ID# <number> specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Incorrect Related To Form# <number> specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Some mandatory fields for the categorization have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory fields are filled: Related to Form and Class
  • Invalid CCTI_CLASS, CCTI_CATEGORY,CCTI_TYPE OR CCTI_ITEM specified in the enrollment data sheet
  • The Categorization record in the import set is being ignored since Class is not specified.
  • Invalid CCTI ID# <ID> is specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • CCTI record with ID# <number> cannot be deleted since since it is associated with other records in the application.

CI Contact Relationships

  • Some mandatory fields to create a relationship between the configuration item (CI) and a contact person or a support group have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory fields are filled: CI Name or CI Identifier, Relationship Type, and any one of Client Defined System User ID, First Name & Last Name,  or Support Group
  • The Configuration Item Relationship Type: <relationship type> is invalid. The allowed CI relationship type are: <Relationship Type>.
  • The configuration item (CI) with identifier <identifier> is not present.
  • The configuration item (CI) with CI Name <name> is not present.
  • The support group having name <name> is not present.
  • The contact person with system user id <ID> is not present.
  • The contact person <contact> is not present.
  • Failed to create a CI relationship record since the specified relationship is already present. The CI Relationship details are: [CI Identifier= <identifier>] [Support Group ID= <ID>] [Contact ID = <ID>]
  • Invalid CI Identifier <identifier> specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • CI bearing the Name <name> could not be deleted since there are multiple CIs with the same name.
  • Invalid CI_NAME <name> specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • The CI record in the import set is being ignored since CI Name or CI Identifier is not specified.
  • The support group breaing name <name> could not be deleted since there are multiple entries with the same name.
  • Invalid Group Name <name> is specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Incorrect User Login : {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Contact bearing Name : <name>  could not be deleted since there are multiple contacts with the same name.
  • Incorrect Contact Name : <name> specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • The CI Contact relationship record in the import set is being ignored since neither [Group Name] or [Contact ID/First Name and Last Name] combination is specified.
  • No record found for combination of CI ID# {0}, Group ID# {1}, Contact ID# {2} and Contact Relationship Type :{3}.


  • Organization Name# <name> specified in the enrollment data sheet does not exists or is ambiguous.
  • Incorrect Contact ID# <name> specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Some mandatory fields for the contact have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory fields are filled: First Name, Last Name, Enable Login, VIP User and Notification Mechanism;
  • The Language provided {0} is not valid.
  • The contact profile record for manager {0} is not present.
  • The contact profile record for HR Generalist {0} is not present.
  • The contact profile record for contractor {0} is not present.
  • The pager email address for  {0} is not present.
  • The pager email address for  {0} is not present.
  • The limit for fixed licenses has been reached; a floating license has been granted to the user {0}, {1}. If you require additional fixed licenses please contact ServiceDesk Support.
  • A Floater license has been granted to the user {0}, {1} as the License Type specified was invalid.
  • License type for self-service users cannot be set to Fixed. If you wish to make the contact a non-self-service user, then set the license type to Floater to enable you to change the primary support group for the contact and you may subsequently convert the user''s license-type to Fixed.
  • License Type was not updated for {0}, {1} as the specified License Type {2} was invalid.
  • Incorrect Contact ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Incorrect User Login# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Incorrect User Login# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Incorrect Employee ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Incorrect Employee ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Incorrect Contact Name : <name> specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Contact bearing Name <name> could not be deleted since there are multiple entries with the same name.
  • The Contact record in the import set is being ignored since neither the Contact ID nor First Name and Last Name are specified.
  • Contact with ID# {0} cannot be deleted since since it is associated with other records in the application.


  • Incorrect Group ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • The support group record for next escalation group {0} is not present.
  • Some mandatory fields for the support group have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory fields are filled: Group Name, Description, Refresh (min.), Permission Group, Notification Group, Assignment Group, SLA Escalation Group, and Approval Group.
  • Organization Name# <name> specified in the enrollment data sheet does not exists or is ambiguous.
  • The support group bearing the name <name> could not be deleted since there are multiple support groups with the same name.
  • The support group record in the import set is being ignored since neither the Support Group ID nor the Group Name is specified.
  • Incorrect Group ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • The support group record with ID <ID> and Group Name: <name> cannot be deleted since it is associated with other records in the application.

Hirearichal organizations

  • Incorrect ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Some mandatory fields for the Hierarchical Tree have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Or Filled in data mismathced with the available levels for that attribute name. Please verify that the Attribute allows those many levels and following mandatory fields are filled: HT Attribute Name and LEVEL1.
  • Invalid LEVEL1, LEVEL2,LEVEL3,LEVEL4 OR LEVEL5 specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • The record in the import set is being ignored since LEVEL1 is not specified.
  • Invalid ID# {0} is specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Record with ID# {0} cannot be deleted since it is associated with other records in the application.
  • Invalid HT Attribute Name

IP Ranges

  • Start IP Address can not be Empty.
  • End IP Address can not be Empty.
  • Start IP Address must be valid.
  • End IP Address must be valid.
  • Discovery Configuration Name must be valid;
  • Start IP Address must be less than End IP Address.
  • Start IP Address must be valid.    
  • Discovery Configuration Name must be valid.


  • Incorrect Organization ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • More than one organization exists with parent name {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • A parent organization is not found with the name {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • An organization already exists with name # {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Some mandatory fields for the organization have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory field is filled: Organization Name.
  • Some mandatory fields for the first level organization have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory fields are filled: Type.
  • The organization has a different parent than {0}.
  • The contact profile record for Account Manager {0} is not present.
  •  Organization bearing the name : {0} could not be deleted since there are multiple organizations with the same name.
  •  Invalid Organization Name:{0} with Parent Organization : {1} is specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  •  Organization bearing the name : {0} could not be deleted since there are multiple organizations with the same name.
  •  Invalid Name:{0} for the Organization is specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  •  The Organization record in the import set is being ignored as neither the Organization ID nor the Organization Name and Parent Org are specified.
  •  Organization record with Name : {0} and Parent Organization : {1} cannot be found.
  •  Organization record with ID :{0} does not exists.
  •  Organization record with ID# {0} and Name :{1} cannot be deleted since it is has child Organizations.
  •  Organization record with ID# {0} cannot be deleted since it is associated with other records in the application.


  • Incorrect Role ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Some mandatory fields for the role have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory fields are filled: Role Name.

Language Catalog

  • Incorrect Language Catalog ID# {0} specified in the enrollment data sheet.
  • Some mandatory fields for the language catalog have not been filled in the enrollment data sheet. Please verify that the following mandatory fields are filled: Locale Key, English Text, Translated Text.

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