Execute a Release Automation Workflow as Change Request

Execute a Release Automation Workflow as Change Request

Automation Center is only available in the ISM Service Management edition. This feature is not available in the ISM Service Desk edition.

As an administrator you can use Release Automation to automate complex release deployments from development through production.

Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management provides an integrated and automated change management process to administrators. As an administrator you can initiate the change management process by submitting a change request using the Service Catalog.

You can automate the Release Automation process using the Run Deployment workflow. After you configure this OOTB workflow, you can publish it as a Service Catalog item. This workflow employs the Intelligent Service Management change management process for review and approvals. So, the Service Catalog item is published as a Change Request.

The high-level process is as follows:

  • The release manager publishes the Run Deployment workflow as a Change-Service Catalog item.
  • The analyst sends the new request for approvals.

  • The approvers approve the change request.

  • The release manager manually triggers the workflow.

Optionally, you can use the retrieve release status workflow to verify the application deployment status.

For More information about designing automated workflows, see How to Create a Workflow.

To execute a Release Automation Workflow as a Change Request, perform the following tasks:

  1. Set Up Credentials
  2. Publish Run Deployment Workflow
  3. Create Change Request
  4. Approve Change Request
  5. Execute Deployment
  6. (Optional) Execute Retrieve Release Status Workflow

   Copy A Release Automation Run Deployments Template

You can use the existing run deployment template from the Templates tab, customize it, and make it available as a Service Catalog item.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to WORKSPACES> AUTOMATION> Automation Center> Workflow Library
  2. Select the Release Automation Run Deployments Template.
  3. Select Copy workflow.
  4. Enter a New Workflow Name in the Copy Workflow window.
  5. Click Save

Set Up Credentials

Use the Credentials button in the Connector Library to set up credentials.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to WORKSPACES> AUTOMATION> Automation Center> Connector Library
  2. Select the Release Automation connector.  
  3. Click the credentials button and click Add New Credentials.
  4. Enter the credentials like Credential Name, Description url, username, and password
    In the url field select the url for the Release Automation Operations Center. For more information see, Predefined Content.
  5. Click Add

Publish Run Deployment Workflow

You can use the existing run deployment template from the Templates tab, customize it, and make it available as a Service Catalog item.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to WORKSPACES> AUTOMATION> Automation Center> Workflow Library> Template.
  2. Select the Release Automation Run Deployments template and copy the workflow.
  3. Navigate to the Drafts tab, select the workflow, and click Edit Workflow.
  4. Click Design Studio
  5. In the Steps column, expand the steps, enter the corresponding credentials, and click Next.
  6. Enter the Deployment Name, Build Name, Deployment Plan, Environments, Application Name, and Project Name in the Data Mapping tab.
  7. Enter the following properties in the Publish tab:
    • Service Catalog Name – Specify the service catalog item that is associated with the workflow.
    • Attach To - Select a process flow to be associated with the service catalog. The process flow is triggered when a Service Catalog item is submitted.
    • Execute After- Identifies the step after which a workflow is invoked. 
      Note: This step does not require user inputs.
    • Description - Provide a description.
    • Do you want to map any fields in service request as input to workflow? - Specify the fields as an input parameter for the workflow.
  8. Specify the Service Catalog Fields and define the mapping between the catalog fields and workflow inputs.
    Note: The ticket details that are generated on ticket creation are mapped to the Workflow Input parameters.

  9. Click Publish.
    A new Service Catalog item is created.

Create Change Request

After the Run Deployment workflow is published as a change request, you can open the Service Catalog item that you created and can log a change request ticket.

Approve Change Request

Based on the approval process that is selected during the workflow creation, the change request goes into approval phase.

Execute Deployment

After the change request is approved, you can manually execute the workflow using the change request action.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to WORKSPACES> SERVICE DESK> Service Catalog.
  2. Create a ticket using the Service Catalog item and enter the Automated Fulfillment Details.
  3. Log in as an approver and navigate to WORKSPACES, Outstanding Items.
    You can view the ticket that is in Approval state here.
  4. After you have received the necessary approvals, click Actions and you can view the option Execute Automation Workflow.
  5. Click Execute Automation Workflow.
    The release is deployed.

Execute Retrieve Release Status Workflow

The Retrieve Release Status workflow allows the user to verify the deployment status of the application. Based on the deployment name that we input. The corresponding deployment status is retrieved and the related ticket is updated with the status.  

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to WORKSPACES> AUTOMATION> Automation Center> Workflow Library> Template.
  2. Select the Release Automation Retrieve Release Status template, and click Copy workflow.
  3. Navigate to the Drafts tab, select the workflow, and click Edit Workflow.
  4. Click Design Studio, select the credential from the Credential drop-down, and click Next.
  5. Enter the Application Name, Environment Name, and Deployment Name in the Data Mapping tab.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Navigate to Workflow Library and click Run New Instance.
  8. Enter the values for the Application Name, Environment Name, and Deployment Name and click Run.
    The ticket is updated with the deployment status.

You have successfully executed a Release Automation workflow as a change request.               

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