Perform Slice Actions

Perform Slice Actions

As an administrator, you are responsible to clean up the inactive records or refresh the cache of your slice. The Slice Configuration page provides you options to perform such slice level actions. To view the options, navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Slice Configuration.

To take an action, select the required option from the drop-down list and click Take Action.

This article describes the slice level actions that are available to you as an administrator.

Reload Configuration

The application servers for Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management maintain a cache of the Configuration Parameters of the slice. When you use this action, the application refreshes the Configuration Parameter cache on all the Application Servers.

Reload Slice Definition

This action reloads the slice definition cache on all the application servers of Intelligent Service Management.

Regenerate Solution Keywords

Regenerates the keywords for your knowledgebase articles.

Note: Intelligent Service Management does not use keyword-based search anymore.

Reload Slice MetadataReloads slice metadata by refreshing application cache.

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