Password Rules and Configurations

Password Rules and Configurations


  • User Password authentication functionality requires additional features for better security.
  • These have been implemented through Configuration parameters that a customer administrator can set for their needs. MANAGE > Administration> Tools> Configuration Parameters


Password Security

Administrator is able to configure following Slice configuration Parameters:

  1. Password Expiry Interval:
    1. Number of days after which a newly set password shall expire. It should be changed before expiry by user or Administrator.
    2. Default Value =0= Password never expires. Possible values: Integer Number of Day
  2. Failure Attempts Allowed
    1. Number of log in attempts allowed with an incorrect password.  Default Value: 3 Possible values: Positive integer
  3. Lockout Time
    1. Number of minutes for which user account is locked out after max failure attempts with in correct password. Default: 5 minutes. Possible value: Minutes

Password Strength Level

Administrator is able to select level of password strength (Level 1 to Level 4)

MANAGE > Administration > Tools> Slice Configurations > General Information Tab > session Time out field

Level 1: Password at least 8 characters long

Level 2: Level 1 + contains a mix of upper and lower case characters

Level 3: Level 2 + Numeric character(s)

Level 4: Level 3 + Special Character(s)

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