Configure WhatsApp Business

Configure WhatsApp Business

You can use WhatsApp-Business to streamline conversations along with being cost-effective. WhatsApp Business removes the dependency on third-party service providers to send and receive messages to WhatsApp users, enhancing efficiency and cost savings.

To configure the WhatsApp Business as a chat channel, a Skills Builder Administrator needs to complete the following steps:

  1. Register and create an account on the Meta Developers account. Once the account is created, set up billing for the WhatsApp messages/transactions.

  2. Create an App. Copy the AppID, Secret Key, Phone number, WhatsApp Business Phone number, Access Token and retain them in an easily accessible location such as Notepad or any text editor tool.

  3. Configure and Enable the WhatsApp Business chat channel in Luma Virtual Agent using the above details.

  4. Update the Facebook App with the Message URL and Invite users to use the WhatsApp channel to interact with Virtual Agent.

Step 1: Register to Facebook/Meta developer

Follow the below steps to register as a Meta developer.

  1. Log in to your Facebook account and go to https://developers.facebook.com/async/registration. Alternatively, you can go to the Meta for Developers website and click Get Started.

  2. Agree to the Terms and Policies

  3. Click Next to agree to Platform Terms and Developer Policies.

  4. Verify your account. You will receive a confirmation code to the registered phone number and email address. Your number and email will be used for important developer notifications of any changes that may impact to your app.

  5. Select your occupation to Register.

  6. Now that you have registered, you can use the App Dashboard to create your app.

For more information refer to Register - Meta App Development.

Step 2: Create an App

The Next step is to create an App. To do so, follow the below steps:

  1. Login to your Facebook Business account at https://developers.facebook.com/

  2. Click "My Apps" to navigate to the App Dashboard. Here you can view the list of Apps available in your Business account. These apps are used to connect to your Luma VA Tenant.

  3. Start by creating a new App. Click on "Create App".

  4. Select 'Other' from the list of use cases. This indicates the permissions, products and features that should be available to the App.
    Click Next.


  5. The Next step is to select the use case for the App. Select 'Business' and click Next.

  6. Provide a name for your App and click on 'Create App'.

  7. Re-enter your password to confirm and submit.

  8. Your App is now created. Click on My Apps to view the App on your Dashboard.

Step 3: Configure your App and Permissions

  1. Select your App from the Dashboard.

  2. Now, navigate to App Settings --> Basic.

  3. Copy the AppID and App Secret Key available on the screen and retain them in an easily accessible location such as Notepad or any text editor tool.

  4. Now, Navigate to WhatsApp --> API Setting screen. Click "Copy" to copy the Access Token. Retain the information on the notepad.
    Note: For a paid and verified developer account, the token is persisted.

  5. Next, Copy and retain the Phone number ID and WhatsApp Business Account ID. Note that the Phone number ID becomes the message sender ID for your tenant.

Step 4: Configure and Enable the WhatsApp Business chat channel in Bot Builder

The next step is to enable Whatsapp Business Channel or your tenant. To do so, follow the below steps:

  1. Login to your Bot Builder environment. Navigate to Bot --> Configurations-->Channels.

  2. Click on the 'WhatsApp Business' tile.

  3. Paste the App ID, App Secret Key. Access Token, Phone Number ID and WhatsApp Business Account ID, copied in Step 2, in respective fields.
    Click on Configure to save details.

  4. Set a Verify Token and copy the Message URL.

  5. Now, navigate back to the Meta Developers portal. Under your app, navigate to Webhooks.
    Click "Edit"

  6. Paste the Message URL copied in the previous step to the "Callback URL" field.

  7. Enter the "Verify token" set on the Channel configuration page in Bot Builder.

  8. Click "Verify and save".

  9. Navigate the Messager tab and ensure messages are Subscribed. Click on Test to test the connection.

  10. Click "Send to My Server".

  11. You receive below success message for successful connection.

The Channel is now successfully configured and enabled.

Step 5: Invite users to use the WhatsApp channel

Once the Channel and App are configured. The next step is to invite users to use the Whatsapp channel.

  1. Navigate to WhatsApp → API Setting screen. Click "To" drop to manage the list of Receipents.

  2. Click "Manage phone number list"

  3. Click "Add phone number"

  4. Add the receipient's phone number and click Next. You can add as many recipient's as required.

  5. A verification code sent to the user's number on their Whatapp. Provide the verification code received. Click Next.

  6. Click "Send message".

  7. A Welcome message is sent to the added user. They can now start conversing with the Virtual Agent and execute skills.

Only user messages of Text, Audio, Video, and Document types are supported. Other types of messages, like Location, Poll, etc., are ignored.

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