Configure Mobile App
In addition to the standard conversational chat channels, Luma Virtual Agent is also available through a Mobile App. The app brings your virtual agent into your pocket, available for support even while users are away from the desk. The Mobile App is voice-enabled, allowing users to interact with the virtual agent using voice and text. For more details, refer to Using Luma Mobile App.
As a Tenant Administrator, you can enable the Mobile App for your tenant. Once the setup is complete, users can converse with their virtual agent using the Mobile App.
To Enable and configure Mobile App, follow the below steps:
On Bot Builder, navigate to the Bot → Configurations → Channels tab.
The screen lists the conversation channels available in Luma Virtual agent. Locate the ‘Mobile App’ channel from the list and click on the tile.
On the Mobile App channel configuration screen:
Toggle the Status button to Active.
On User Reconciliation for Channel Authentication, select the fields for user reconciliation in Field Name. Click on Set.
This step sets fields used to identify users when using the Mobile App. For example, the tenant’s email address is the user reconciliation field. The user must provide their email address when logging into Mobile App as a registered user. You may select multiple fields, sorted in order of validation.To customize the user experience and direct the user to a specific skill whenever the Mobile app is re-opened, enable ‘Trigger Skill when mobile app is re-opened and select the skill. Luma will automatically trigger the skill every time user re-opens the Mobile app.
Click Save.
The Mobile app is now enabled for your tenant.
Once the mobile app is ready, the end-user can use the Bot QR code or tenant login details to log in to the Mobile app. For more information on using the Mobile app, refer to Conversing with Luma VA via Mobile App.
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