Logging into the Mobile App
Luma Mobile App provides two ways of logging into the system:
Log in as a Registered user- Authentication using the Magic link
Authentication using tenant details allows the end user to authenticate themselves login as registered users. Users already available in the tenant and have tenant details can log in to the application using a Magic link. The Magic Link provides a more effortless authentication experience for users. Magic link associated with the end-users Luma account. It contains the secret key used to authenticate the user.
Once the Mobile App is installed on the user’s device, end-users can use it to request a Magic link. Luma sends the Magic Link to the user’s registered email address. On clicking the link, the device recognizes this link and opens up the Mobile app. The user’s authentication information is stored in secure storage in the device until the user logs out of the mobile app. Each time the user opens the app, it automatically logs them in.
When the user logs out, the authentication information associated with the app is removed. The user can again generate a new Magic Link.
The Magic link must be clicked on the user’s device where the Luma Mobile app is installed. On clicking the Magic link, user is automatically redirected to Luma Mobile App.
Follow the below steps to log in to the mobile app as a Registered user:
Open the Mobile App on your device.
On the login screen, tap on the ‘Log in as Registered user’
Provide your tenant details to request a magic link
Add the Environment URL
Enter the tenant’s name
Provide your user identification details. This could be your Username, Email address, or phone number, information used by your organization to identify users.
Tap on Sign in.
You will receive a login verification email with a magic link at your registered email address. Click on the magic link.
Luma authenticates the user using the magic link and redirects the user to the Bot conversation in Luma Mobile App
Login Using Login Credentials
Another way to quickly log in to the Mobile App as a Registered User is using Login Credentials. The Administrators and Skill developers who have access to the Bot builder can use their tenant credentials to log into the Mobile app. This removes the dependency of Magic URLs and Emails. To do so, follow the below steps:
Open the Mobile App on your device.
On the login screen, tap on the ‘Log in as Registered user’
Provide your tenant details to log in
Add the Environment URL
Enter the tenant’s name
Provide your Username used by your organization to identify users.
Provide Bot builder password.
Tap on Sign in.
Luma authenticates the user and redirects the user to the Bot conversation in the Luma Mobile App.
In case, you don't have a password, click on ‘Don't have Password’ to reset the Password with OTP or generate a Magic Link.
‘Reset Password with OTP’ sends a one-time password to your registered email address. Enter the OTP on the Mobile App screen and set a new password to the account.
'Get a Magic Link' sends the magic link to your registered email address.
Log in as a Guest user- Using the QR code
Guest login is available for anonymous users in Luma. These are the users that are not registered as users in your tenant. These users may not have the details required to connect to your tenant. Luma Mobile App facilitates such logins via QR code. These QR codes are tenant-specific and encapsulate the environment and tenant details. Users can scan the QR code and log in as ‘Guest'. The user can now access the skills and Knowledge available for Guest users. For more information on Guest or Anonymous users, refer to Define Roles, Permissions, and Groups.
Tenant Administrators must share the QR code with user’s in their organization. Copy or Download the QR code from Bot → Configurations → Channels → Mobile App configurations screen.
Follow the below steps to log in to the mobile app as a Guest user:
Open the Mobile App on your device.
On the login screen, tap on ‘Login as Guest (with QR code)’.
Scan the QR code.
The Mobile app reads the tenant’s details and logs the user as an Anonymous user.
The users can now execute the skills available for the Anonymous user group.
Users can follow the tenant specific user registration behaviour to register themselves in Luma. Users can execute the User registration skill (default or customized skill) to register themselves.
Support for Multiple Accounts
You can use the Luma Mobile App to login to multiple accounts. This enables users to quickly access their staging and production environments, without the need to login again and again.
Everytime a user successfully logins to the App, an account is add. All the profiles successfully logged in to the app are available on the Login screen and the Switch Accounts section.
Log in Page:
Switch Account Page:
Switch Accounts
Select the profile to switch to. If the profile is already logged it the app prompts the user to provide the password to complete authentication.
To add another account,
Click on Add Account.
User is redirected to the Login page. Add your credentials or choose any other methood to login to your account.
Remove Accounts
Once logged out, you can remove the account from the list. To remove an account,
Navigate to the account list.
Select the account and click on Remove account.
Alternatively, swipe to the left to open the quick menu and click on Delete.
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