Automation FAQs

Automation FAQs


  • Where do I find a list of all the OOTB Services that are available?

    View the list of all OOTB Operations, navigate to Manage >> Tools >> Automation >> Workflows. . Click on the required Service to edit the Service Configurations The list is also documented here.

  • How do I find out which Service Configurations are required for a specific Service?

    The list of workflows and their corresponding Inputs, as well as Service Configurations, are documented on Out-of-the-box Automation Operations and Workflows.

  • How do I find out which step in the Automation Workflow is failing?

    When executed as part of a Workflow process, generally it will add a worklog to the ticket from where the workflow was executed. Check the Activity History of the Ticket (this is true only if you have designed your workflow to write the result of the workflow execution as a worklog into the ticket).
  • When relating a Workflow Service as part of a skill, where can I see the Input Parameters listed?

          When you are adding an Automation Workflow into a skill, you can see your custom workflow in the list of Workflow Services. Based on the selected workflow service, you need to specify the mandatory input parameters as shown below.

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