DX Infrastructure Manager Integration

DX Infrastructure Manager Integration

This document explains how to integrate DX Infrastructure Manager (formerly CA Unified Infrastructure Management) Unified Management Portal (UMP) with Intelligent Service Management. With such integration, you can start using the My Tickets portlet in UMP.

Note: Unified Management Portal (UMP) was previously known as Nimsoft Monitor UMP.



The My Tickets portlet requires the following environment:

  • UIM Server (NMS) 5.6.1 or later
  • UIM Infrastructure Manager 4.03 or later
  • UI UMP 2.5.2 or later
  • nsdgtw probe version 1.2 or later
  • Https connectivity between UIM and Intelligent Service Management
  • Outbound access to port 443 for probes installed on the Nimsoft Monitor Server

Review the UMP release notes for a list of compatible browsers and other important information.

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