SMTP Send Mail Connector

Automation Center is only available in the ISM Service Management edition. This feature is not available in the ISM Service Desk edition.

The SMTP Send Mail connector sends automated email notifications. As a designer you can use the connector to send an email during password reset for a requester or a specified user. This section provides following information for the SMTP Send Mail connector:


Credential Parameter



Email Port

The full email address that is entered for the user name to log in to the server.


Email Server Password

The password that is associated with the user name to log in to the server.


SMTP Authentication

Indicates whether an SMTP client may log in using the authentication mechanism.


Email ServerThe SMTP server address, to connect to, for relaying emails.No
Email Server UsernameThe SMTP server user name for connecting to the SMTP server.No

Indicated whether to encrypt your SMTP connections using SSL.



  • Send E-mail

Input and Output Parameters

Send E-mail

Input Parameters
NameDescription Required?Type
Smtp AuthenticationSpecify the Is smtp authentication that is needed: null - unsecure, TLS - TLS security, SSL - ssl securityFALSEString
Smtp HostSpecify the Smtp server hostFALSEString
Smtp PortSpecify the Smtp server portFALSEInteger
User NameSpecify the mail account user name.FALSEString
Smtp SSL TrustSpecify the mail smtp ssl trust url.FALSEString
Email Recipients (TO) ListSpecify the semicolon separated ID list of TO recipients of the communication.TRUEString
Email Recipients (CC) ListSpecify the semicolon separated ID list of CC recipients of the communication.FALSEString
Email Recipients (BCC) ListSpecify the semicolon separated ID list of BCC recipients of the communication.FALSEString
SubjectSpecify the subject of the email message.TRUEString
BodySpecify the body of the email message.TRUEString
AttachmentsSpecify the semicolon separated list of attachment files sent with the email message.FALSEString
TimeoutSpecify the timeout value in millisecond.FALSEInteger
Email FormatSpecify the format of the email message that is, HTML or plain text email formats.FALSEString
EncodingSpecify the char set for the email content. Default is UTF-8.FALSEString
Output Parameters
NameDescription Required?Type
Success(Boolean) Identifies the send mail operation is a success or not. The parameter has the following possible values:TRUEBoolean
True - success. False - failure.
Result CodeResult code indicates the success or failure status of the operation.FALSEInteger
Result MessageSpecify the verbose result message that indicates the status of the operation.FALSEString

Associated workflows

  1. Reset Password for a Specified user.
  2. Reset Password for the Requester.

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