Reusing attributes in Skill
When creating a skill in Visual Designer, a Skill developer can add steps or link steps in such a way that the user is re-prompted to provide information to an attribute. This is called Re-prompting behavior.
The Re-prompting behavior determines how Luma Virtual Agent manages the conversation when the attribute is encountered during the execution. This may happen when an attribute is reduced in more than one step or when steps are linked to a previous step creating a loop within the skill.
By default, if the same prompt (attribute) is re-encountered in the skill, Luma asks the user to fill in the value again.
This configuration is specific to the skill and is available in the Skill Details section.
Unlike Classic Designer, clearing the attribute is not required to re-prompt the user, and the also execution does not return to the earlier step.
If you do not wish to re-prompt the user, change the Re-prompting behavior to ‘Retain the stored value and Skip the prompt.’ This ensures that the user is not asked to provide information if the attribute already has a value.
To update the configuration, do the following:
Click on the Skill Name (in the header or Start step) → Skill Details Tab
Scroll down to the ‘Re-prompt behavior' section.
By resuing an attribute you can:
Create a conditional loop within the skill by linking two steps.
Conditionally prompt different questions but save the response in only one attribute. This means we don’t need to create multiple branches/sub-skills to handle multiple attributes.
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