Copy a Skill
Copy a Skill
If the user requires the same type of Skill with some minor configuration changes, you can copy a Skill. Then the user can duplicate the existing skill and edit it as per his requirements.
To Copy a Skill do the following:
- Select the Skill that you want to duplicate from the Skills list within the Bots section of the interface.
- To copy the skill click on the icon and then click the icon.
- The copied skill will be created with the name "Copy of <skill name>". If required, the user can change the name of the Skill.
Edit other configurations on the Skill to align to your needs.
User must fill the Utterances field to Save the duplicate.
- The user no need to copy any utterances from the copied skill to avoid the utterance collision.
- A user may need to modify the attributes response text and web services fulfilment.
- Click Save to reflect the copied skill in the bot.
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