Declaring CI as a Service
Declaring CI as a Service
This article guides you through the process to declare CI as a Service.
When creating tickets, I would like to relate it to the Affected Service. How do I declare a Configuration Item to be a Service so that I can choose from a list of Services Procedure.
If you'd like to make a set of CIs available as Affected Service, you can do this by declaring the 'Class' of a CI in Configuration Parameter, using the "SLA_BUSINESS_SERVICES_IDENTIFIER_CLASSES" parameter name.
For example, you would like All CIs in your instance having the CCTI of "Software >> Application" be available as Affected Service on a Ticket.
To do this, you can follow these steps:
- Navigate to MANAGE> Tools > Configuration Parameters.
- Select the SLA_BUSINESS_SERVICES_IDENTIFIER_CLASSES parameter and add the Class "Software" in the Parameter Description field. You can specify more than one Class in Parameter Description; the list should be comma separated.
After making this change, log out from the application and log in again to view the modifications. You can notice that, when creating tickets if you go to the Affected Service Lookup, all CIs that have their 'Class' set to "Software" in the list are included.
Keywords: CI; affected Service
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