Configure WSDL for Creating a New Change Request

Configure WSDL for Creating a New Change Request


I configure the wsdl file to create a new Change Request; but nothing happens; the Change Request was not created.


  • Where can I find the correct wsdl file?
  • What are the parameters that I should configure in the wsdl file?
  • How can I configure the wsdl to create a new Change Request?
  • Where can i check; what is wrong with the configuration that I created? 


To address the above questions, we have listed the following best practices:
1-   Define what we need to do and the object? (like: Incident, Change Request, Ticket, Service Request, and Attachment)
2-   Execute the operation manually (from the Intelligent Service Management environment), to check which fields are mandatory to complete the desired operation.
3-   Get the location (URL) for the specific wsdl file where should be the "calls" of the object specified in the step 1
a.   For Attachment:
b.   For Change Request:
c.    For Incident:
d.   For Service Request:
e.   For Ticket:
4-   Use some Soap browser to make easier configuration and test the wsdl file (like SoapUI 5.2.1)
5-   Get the credentials for a user with the license type as "Web Services"
6-   In this example, we will configure the parameters required in "my environment" to create a new Change Request.
7-   Once I get the all method and calls for the Change Request from the environment (Production or Staging), you could edit this wsdl file to configure the parameters required and check in the step 2.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"xmlns:wrap="http://wrappers.webservice.appservices.core.inteqnet.com"xmlns:xsd="http://beans.webservice.appservices.core.inteqnet.com/xsd">
        <xsd:ticket_description>Test for TEC</xsd:ticket_description>
The values required to execute the call "createChangeRequest" in my environment was configured as you could see above (the font color is black).
8-   After that you can test through a Soap tester (like: SoapUI 5.2.1); you could check the result in two ways:
a.   If the Request was created in your environment
b.   If the result of when do you execute the call; the Soap tester return for you this message:" <ax212:statusMessage>Success: The request was successfully fulfilled by the server; the service returned results of the operation.</ax212:statusMessage>"
9-  The important tip on the step 7 is delete all lines that wasn't necessary to you configure it; specialy lines with "?" (like)

Keywords: configuration parameter

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